Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Aliphatic Hydrocarbon - Chemistry Definition
Aliphatic Hydrocarbon - Chemistry Definition An aliphatic compound is a hydrocarbon compound containing carbon and hydrogen joined together in straight chains, branched trains or non-aromatic rings. Aliphatic compounds may be saturated (e.g., hexane and other alkanes) or unsaturated (e.g., hexene and other alkenes, as well as alkynes). The simplest aliphatic hydrocarbon is methane, CH4. In addition to hydrogen, other elements may be bound to the carbon atoms in the chain, including oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, and sulfur. Most aliphatic hydrocarbons are flammable. Also Known As: aliphatic compound Examples of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons:Â ethylene, isooctane, acetylene List of Aliphatic Compounds Here is a list of aliphatic compounds, ordered according to the number of carbon atoms they contain. Number of Carbons Aliphatic Hydrocarbons 1 methane 2 ethane, ethene, ethyne 3 propane, propene, propyne, cyclopropane 4 butane, methylpropane, cyclobutene 5 pentane, dimethylpropane, cyclopentene 6 hexane, cyclohexane, cyclohexene 7 heptane, cyclohexane, cyclohexene 8 octane, cyclooctane, cyclooctene
Friday, November 22, 2019
Definition and Examples of Erotesis in Rhetoric
Definition and Examples of Erotesis in Rhetoric Definition The figure of speech known as erotesis is a rhetorical question implying strong affirmation or denial. Also called erotema, eperotesis and interrogation. Adjective: erotetic. In addition, as Richard Lanham points out in A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms (1991), erotesis may be defined as a rhetorical question which implies an answer but does not give or lead us to expect one, as when Laertes rants about Ophelias madness: Do you see this, O God? (Hamlet, IV, v). See Examples and Observations below. Also see: What Is a Rhetorical Question?EcphonesisEpiplexisHypophoraInterrogative SentencePysmaQueclarativeQuestionYes-No Question EtymologyFrom the Greek, questioning Examples and Observations Was I not born in the realm? Were my parents born in any foreign country? Is not my kingdom here? Whom have I oppressed? Whom have I enriched to others harm? What turmoil have I made in this commonwealth that I should be suspected to have no regard to the same?(Queen Elizabeth I, response to a Parliamentary delegation, 1566)Was I an Irishman on that day that I boldly withstood our pride? or on the day that I hung down my head and wept in shame and silence over the humiliation of Great Britain?(Edmund Burke, Speech to the Electors of Bristol, Seprember 6, 1780)General, do you really believe that the enemy would attack without provocation, using so many missiles, bombers, and subs that we would have no choice but to totally annihilate them?(John Wood as Stephen Falken in WarGames, 1983)Another thing that disturbs me about the American church is that you have a white church and a Negro church. How can segregation exist in the true Body of Christ?(Martin Luther King, Jr., Pauls Let ter to American Christians, 1956) Do you then really think that you have committed your follies in order to spare your son them?(Herman Hesse, Siddhartha, 1922) The Effects of Erotesis- Erotesis, or Interrogation, is a figure by which we express the emotion of our mind, and infuse an ardour and energy into our discourse by proposing questions. . . . As these questions have the force of a climax, they ought to be pronounced with increasing force to the end.(John Walker, A Rhetorical Grammar, 1814)- The design of the erotesis or interrogation is to awaken attention to the subject of discourse, and is a mode of address admirably calculated to produce a powerful impression of the truth of a subject, as it challenges the impossibility of contradiction. Thus, How long, Cataline, exclaims Cicero, will you abuse our patience?(David Williams, Composition, Literary and Rhetorical, Simplified, 1850) The Lighter Side of ErotesisYou may think that you are not superstitious. But would you walk under a burning building?(Robert Benc hley, Good Luck, and Try and Get It)D-Day: Wars over, man. Wormer dropped the big one.Bluto: Over? Did you say over? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!Otter: Germans?Boon: Forget it, hes rolling.(John Belushi as Bluto Blutarsky in Animal House, 1978) Pronunciation: e-ro-TEE-sis
Thursday, November 21, 2019
White privileges in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
White privileges in America - Essay Example The society of the United States of America inherently is a country of the whites. The American society has been structured by racial discrimination profoundly and racism has lastingly marked the society of the country as concluded by the report of the United Nations Human Council for the year 2009. However the racism affects the white population of the country as well, as they are from birth always been isolated from the people of color in the daily life. That is how racism is experienced by the white population of the society. (Lund and Colin, p 8: Wise, p viii) Racism and the privileges for the white thus hurt the living of the people of color and to some extent affect the white as well. 1. The White Privilege The roots of the society of America are permeated by the factor of racism which gets reflected in each and every institutions of the society. It get resembles in the culture of the society, in the society’s character as well as in its structure. There are several boun daries in the social lives set by the majority of the white population of the country for the people of the different skin color.... Whiteness and non whiteness stratified the society of the United States of America. In the society of America real situations are defined by Whiteness and it also impose real consequences.(Guess, 650; Lund and Colin, 8) According to Wise the society of the United States of America always bestowed some advantages to the individual born white in the society. These are the advantages from which the people of color are deliberately withheld. Whiteness which may have different meaning in different time and places, however in the United States of America being white entitles some common experience based upon the advantages and privileges from the people of color along with belongings. The racialization of a subordinate group also brings with it the racialization of the super ordinate group as they enjoy the position of dominance in the society and added to their advantages (Wise, viii, 3: Guess, 651) In the words of Wise, white privilege is enjoying every kinds of social, political economi cal as well as educational benefits along with facilities in health care services that an individual requires for earning prosperity, social security and respect for himself over the other classes of the society. According to him in short white privilege is the root of problems existing in a society that is not a meritocracy. (This is your nation on White Privilege) 2. Privileges enjoyed by the white population of the country According to the reports of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics for the year 2009 and the United States Census Bureau for 2006, the total percentage of the white population of the society is 73.9 percent that experienced the unemployment rate
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist as an Advance Practice Nurse Research Paper
The Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist as an Advance Practice Nurse - Research Paper Example The operational scope of clinical nurse specialists is wide, and this offers them a wide scope of coverage in their service delivery. The spectrum of operation includes dealing directly with patients, nursing personnel and the wider organizational structure of management concerned with issues of policy formulation and research implementation. The clinical nurse specialists may thus participate in the direct care of patients or engage in indirect care processes, which affect the care of a wider part of the patient population. Therefore, a clinical nurse specialist could take part in patient evaluation in one instance and in the next instance be part of a team building or overhauling a unit of healthcare professionals by making policies and recommendations on new evidence-based incorporations. The role of the clinical nurse specialist pervades the whole healthcare continuum, which includes interaction with the three important elements of the care system including the patient, nurse and system. These spheres overlap in the care continuum, and the roles of the CNS reaches all these spheres in an effort to improve nursing care and patient outcomes (Newhouse et al., 2011). The only difference in the operational set up is that the roles of the clinical nurse specialist vary subtly as s/he moves from one sphere to another in particular practice instances (Canam, 2005). Purpose of the Clinical Nurse Specialist as an Advance Practice Nurse The
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Important Element in the Story Essay Example for Free
Important Element in the Story Essay In the two short stories, Little Things by Carver and The End of Something by Hemingway, both authors make the title significant to the storys message. The title Little Things is somewhat ironic in that the word little could refer to the baby or could in fact be calling their argument petty, even though the child that they are fighting over is a major issue. This irony is significant to the story because even though the parents appear passionate about their infant, the argument clearly lies deeper. The title The End of Something could also refer to a number of things. In this story many things are coming to an end. The end of the mill and the town at Hortons Bay, the end of Nick and Marjories relationship, the end of their fishing trips and the end of their day. Both stories are about the end of relationships however, in Little Things the breakup is angry and violent whereas in The End of Something the breakup is calm and brief. The story Little Things is about the violent breakup of two parents. It is implied that they are married but Carver does not explicitly state this. The opening paragraph describes the weather and the time of day, which reflects the mood of the piece, the darkness of the evening mirroring the dark mood inside the house, it was getting dark. But it was getting dark on the inside too. This shows that although the mood was dark, it was not completely pitch black outside implying that there may still be a slight glimmer of hope for the young couple that is soon introduced. As the fight and the emotions become more reckless and brutal the light begins to fade, showing that all hope is lost. The characters in the story are not named. This gives their predicament a deeper sense of urgency and immediacy. This is used to great effect as when we first meet the man and women, the absence of names throws us directly into the middle of their quarrel. In this piece there is no need to build up the characters with a descriptive foreplay as it is not important to the story, making it more urgent. However in The End of Something we feel more sympathy for the characters as we have learned about them in more detail. From the line he was in the bedroom pushing clothes into a suitcase when she came through the door, we can deduce from the subtext that these people are in some kind of long-term relationship, and the second line of the same paragraph draws attention to the fact that they are having a heated argument. It is extremely common that in short stories a lot of information is insinuated rather than being clearly stated and so the reader must draw a meaning from the subtext. The woman is the first to speak. Carver does not use speech marks at all during the story in order to draw more immediacy to the article. The first line of speech Im glad youre leaving! Im glad youre leaving! Do you hear? shows that although the woman appears to be angry at her partner and glad that he is moving out it is easily noted that she in fact feels exactly the opposite. This is illustrated by the repetition of the line Im glad youre leaving showing that she is trying to reassure herself that she doesnt need him. This shows irony. The woman continues to barrage the man with slurs, son of a bitch, obviously in an attempt to provoke his attention and convince him to stay. When she states you cant even look me in the face can you? it is blatantly obvious that the man has had some kind of affair. The woman fails in catching the mans attention and therefore when she spies the babys picture on the bed she takes it, out of spite. The man follows her; turning off the bedroom light as he leaves symbolising the end of their relationship, looked around the bedroom before turning off the light. The baby is also not named showing that although it is the child that they are fighting over, the battle about more and the baby is merely a pawn in their game of spite or revenge. The man states I want the baby. This immediately provokes maternal instincts from the mother who rushes to keep her child. The infant is continuously referred to as the baby or this baby showing that their child is solely an object that the couple are focusing their anger on. The mans request for the baby is not because he necessarily wants the child from love but more because he sees it as a prize that he can win over the woman. Gradually their battle becomes more physical and violent as the man tries to take that baby from the woman, in the scuffle they knocked down a flowerpot. The baby senses the tension in the room and starts to cry which adds to the anxiety and desperation in the mood of the text, the baby had begun to cry. Throughout the rest of the story Carver intensifies the atmosphere by using urgent and effective words such as screaming, red faced, gripped and hurting. Nearing the end of the story the light is involved again, the kitchen window gave no light, this line exemplifies that there was no hope left for the couple and the baby. The lines become shorter to add to the fierce battle that the couple is suffering. The man and the woman both grab the child and pull it in different directions in a hope that one will triumph but we do not know the victor. The last line in this manner the issue was decided, leaves us pondering a number of possible out comes. The man or the woman may have succeeded in snatching the infant for themselves or they may have pulled their baby in two. If so the story appears to be a parody of the biblical story The Two Women and Solomon, in which a man offers to cut a baby in half to settle a quarrel between two woman as to who the mother of the baby is. In this story we are left with an ambiguous end. It is very common in short stories that the resolution of the story is left undecided, again leaving the reader to make their own conclusion from the clues given. The second short story The End of Something is also about the end of a relationship, however it is handled in a calmer and less violent manner. The first paragraph sets the scene of a calm deserted bay, once a busy lumbering town, now reduced to a citizen-free ghost town. The couple, Nick and Marjorie, are rowing through this bay in a calm fashion they were trolling along the edge of the channel bank, but they soon head towards dark water which shows that they are heading towards trouble. They are rowing soundlessly until Marjorie breaks the silence and begins to talk about the old mill on the shore, describing it as our old ruin; this shows that their relationship stretches back a long way. Nick answers unenthusiastically. Marjorie tries to keep up the conversation describing it as a castle, which shows that she sees their ruin in a fairy-tale manner. However Nick is still distant which makes Marjorie have to work hard to keep their conversation alive. Marjorie appears to love everything about their fishing trips. She obviously loves Nick very much and is enjoying spending time with him, She loved to fish. She loved to fish with Nick. Clearly Nick is quite qualified at fishing and Marjorie tries to make him feel good by putting him in charge and asking him questions to boost his ego, Theyre feeding, Marjorie said. But they wont strike, Nick said. By this Nick means that he will not strike that night. The couple carries out their actions of fishing with scarce communication and we can tell that something is clearly upsetting Nick as Marjorie is trying to provoke conversation but to no avail. When Marjorie questions Nick Whats the matter Nick? he replies I dont know. The couple set out a picnic on the beach but we can tell that Nick is merely going through the motions as he says I dont feel like eating and all it takes is one line from Marjorie and he agrees. They eat silently until finally Nick breaks the tension. Theres going to be a moon tonight, but when Marjorie agrees Nick becomes angry as if he was waiting for anything to release the pent up emotions held inside. Marjorie tries to divert the conversation from an argument and begins to talk about the moon. As in Little Things, the weather and setting play a part in describing the mood of the piece. The moon could represent chastity, coldness or even the passing of time. Silence follows and they do not touch each other until Marjorie ventures to ask Nick Whats really the matter? Marjorie is desperately trying to make their evening enjoyable and romantic but Nick is making it extremely difficult. Nick tries to avoid the question until he starts to explain that it wasnt fun any more and that he was mixed up inside. I feel as though everything was gone to hell inside of me, the use of the word was instead of is shows that he is confused and suffering a confidence crisis. Marjorie is evidently shocked as she barely speaks except to say isnt love any fun? which is swiftly followed by an answer from Nick, No. Unlike in Little Things, there is no major battle about to be released, instead Marjorie leaves calmly, dignity intact, in the boat. Nick offers to help push the boat out, which shows that he still cares for her, but is refused. When Marjorie leaves Nick lies on the blanket for a long time until mysteriously a new character named Bill emerges from the woods. Bill is a curious character. Obviously he is related to Bill in some way and Hemingway makes his sexuality and Nicks dubious when we read the line Bill didnt touch him either. Bill appears as insensitive when he barrages Nick with questions about his extremely recent breakup, provoking Nick to lash out and tell him to leave. This story again is left at a loose end. We are left questioning the sexuality of Bill and Nick. It is implied that Nick and Bill were in a homosexual relationship together. This would explain Bills presence hiding in the wood and the fact that it states Bill didnt touch him either. The last line shows that Bill has replaced Marjorie because Bill walks over to check the fishing rods which was previously Marjories job. However, Nick appears to be insecure about his choice to be gay, as we can see from the fact that he tells Bill to go away. Bill has clearly pressured Nick into breaking up with Marjorie, as we can see from the list of questions he asks and his quick appearance from the wood. Both the short stories are about the breakup of relationships but under different circumstances. As always in a short story the reader is left thinking many things from one brief text. All short stories consist of and introduction, a main conflict, a resolution and a conclusion. In Little Things the conclusion was the questionable death of the child. In The End of Something the conclusion was the appearance of Bill and the question of Nicks sexuality.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
play review :: essays research papers
Play Review           â€Å"COPS†When I found out that I had to attend theater Play’s [plays] for class I was looking forward to attending them. I told my wife that I had to attend and she had to go with me. Since I was not too excited about going to a play I let my wife pick out the play.      We decided to see â€Å"COPS†at the Steve Allen Theater in Hollywood. The two main characters are undercover Chicago police officers. They would always come to the diner early in the morning and tell stories of there experiences in the police department. But this particular night was going to be different from any other night. As we proceeded to enter the theater we walked up a flight of stairs to the second floor of the theater. As I entered the theater I was surprised how small it was. The stage was set up as a diner in City of Chicago in the 1970’s at approximately two in the morning. The diner consisted of a working stove, frying area, and all the working restaurant equipment. As I walked into the theater I noticed one of the actors standing by the stove cooking what appeared to be bacon. The smell of bacon filled the air. The cook, was also playing the part of the owner of the diner, was interacting with the waitress like we did not even exist. As I was seating and waiting for the performance to begin I was looking at the stage area and was very impressed to the detail they put into the set. The set was a small area with about five tables, 4 bar stools, and wood panel walls. I noticed their [there] where [were] three actors on stage: the waitress, the cook, and a customer reading a newspaper and eating his omelet. The lighting was art deco design with fluorescent round balls that hung below the ceiling. The door opened in the diner, an actor walked into the diner drenched in water. I could hear the sound effects of the rain. The actor sat on one of the bar stools in the counter. The door opened again and there was one of the main characters of the play. This character was one of the undercover police officer’s [officers] that was a regular at the diner. This actor gave a great performance. His interaction with the other actors was, as they really were not acting at all.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Socrates Arguments Crito
The Platonic ‘Death of Socrates Dialogues', are a quartet of important and influential conversations written by Plato, but told through the eyes of his mentor Socrates. Written in 386BC, they tell the story surrounding the Socrates being charged by the state for piety and corruption of the youth. They are conversations between Socrates, his friends, and his censors, the rulers of Athens. Socrates has found guilty of these crimes and after failing to convince the Athenian statesmen that he had been wrongfully accused, and sentenced to death. The third story from the quartet is ‘Crito' where Socrates chats with his wealthy friend Crito, who after bribing a guard, offers to help Socrates escape his sentence. Socrates refuses, and the dialogue throws up a few moral arguments where he explains his reasons to Crito, Socrates argues that it is necessary for the state to punish him as he has not acted within the laws that govern Athens. After all, he has faced the serious charge of worshipping false gods, and by passing these views on to his young followers, further charge with corrupting them. As he is a ighly respected citizen within Athens, he thinks that he should lead by example and take his punishment. After all, he knew the laws and more than likely and knew what punishment he would incur if caught. No one is above the law. The laws are set by the state in order for citizens to follow a code of behaviour. Failure to adhere to such laws could lead to destruction of the state and it is right that the government made and example of him. He thinks that if laws are broken, then the ruling class should have the powers to deal with the lawbreakers, otherwise what is the point having he laws, or indeed the state who police the laws in place. He also argued that he has been privileged to be part of the state of Athens and had received all the benefits that come with being a citizen of such an institution. Although the benefits are available to all Athenians, on the premise that you obey its laws. The state that had been so good to him over his 71 years of life, and the laws there provided him and his family with sanctuary. The state provided security for his parents to marry and to bring him up safely. The state also provided him with the ducation of which made him the man he was. He was using this education against the state by teaching youths to think differently about the gods that the Athenians worshipped. He uses the analogy that the relationship between he, or indeed anyone else and the state of Athens was like that of parent and child. Children should obey their parents, therefore citizens should obey the state. By escaping prison, this would not be obeying the state so he chooses to stay put. He argues that the state is in fact more important than parents or ancestors, because it is the state that enables its itizens to nurture. This argument is probably not very sound. To say that parents are similar to the state is not accurate. You are born to parents and are expected to comply with state procedure while living there. Occasionally within family life, there can be systematic physical abuse from parents which often goes unreported. Generally you do not get physically abused by the state, unless of course you are unlucky to live in somewhere that shy away from democracy. By being born into a family, rules are not set as stone, and as a child you are expected in a way not always to act to these rules. Usually there is more leniency within the family when it comes to rule breaking than if you break a state law. He also argues that anyone born into the state and benefiting from the laws of the state has a duty to not to do anything that may help destroy the state, and by escaping this would have a detrimental effect on the state and it laws. He argues that although he was born in Athens, there were no laws stopping him from leaving. Simply by choosing to live there all his live, he unwittingly enters an implied contract and must adhere to the laws of the state, otherwise face the punishment. He chose ot to live in Sparta or Crete, he chose to live in Athens, so must have satisfaction for the the state, therefore its laws. If he did not agree with the laws, then he would have to prove to the rulers of Athens that they were unjust. Although he tried to convince the the judges that his conviction was unjust, it is within the interests of the state for them to overlook his thoughts and label him a corrupter of the state. To avoid corrupting the state further, he chose to take his punishment of death by hemlock and not take up Crito's offer of help to escape as that would be doing something unjust, hile his sentence in his eyes was unjust. In other words, two wrongs do not make a right. It could be said that Socrates thinks being born into state and reaping the benefits of being a citizen. If this was the case, he could be expected to do anything the state asks him to do as he lives there, and is by living there he has a social contract bestowed on him. There are many moral instances where it is probable that he may not adhere to this tacit agreement, for example, doing wrong by his family. Socrates had the opportunity to except banishment from the state of Athens but chose not to. After all Athens was his home and although he is a respected figure within the state, he was unsure if he would be happy in another state. They would know of his conviction, which basically is a charge saying he did not adhere to state laws, and brandished a trouble maker. This could make things uncomfortable for him to settle down as he may not be accepted or respected in the manner that he had been in Athens. However, he decided to stand up for himself and try to convince the judges that his views are correct but fail, so accepts his punishment. Even although he thinks the sentence is njust he sees no advantage in escaping. His reputation would be in tatters and would be remembered as a coward who instead of taking his punishment, chose to run away and live a life of obscurity. Even although he thinks he is being victimised, eluding his punishment he would also be breaking the laws of the state and is still under social contract to obey these laws. By becoming political martyr, he is making a stand against the state while adhering to the laws of the state. Socrates believed his argument to the jury that convicted him was enough to prove the charges were unjust. However when convicted he did not plead to be spared the death sentence as this would have meant that he would have been acting unjust, by accepting that he had wronged. He argues that there would be no advantage escaping prison. He would be acting unjustly after being convicted unjustly. Those helping him escape would be endangering their lives in doing so. He had lived in Athens all his life, so the thought of living somewhere less civilised was not appealing. He would be seen by his many followers as a man not true to himself and would be deemed a coward. As a man of virtue, he accepted his fate by drinking the poison hemlock thus osthumously ensuring his family and friends would not be harmed and that his reputation as an honourable man was intact. Socrates puts forward the first instance of social contract theory known. Law makers since have used social contracts to curtail and nurture human behaviour, which many people find unjust. Although in some instances these contracts have been challenged successfully, a couple of examples being the abolition of slavery and women having the same rights as men. Whilst Socrates was unsuccessful in his challenge against he died a man who stood up for his morals and beliefs and possibly the worlds first political martyr.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Segmentation of Mercedes Benz
Case 2 Nuclear Energy: Making a Comeback? In the 2010 State of the Union address, the president called for more clean-energy jobs, with expansion of nuclear power as an alternative energy source. He declared, â€Å"To create more of these clean energy jobs, we need more production, more efficiency, more incentives. And that means building a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants in this country. †Other countries, such as Great Britain, are already planning to build new nuclear plants.Although none have been built in the United States for many years, the 104 currently operating plants generate almost 20 percent of America’s electricity. Wind and solar energy together generate less than 5 percent. An alloy of enriched uranium powers nuclear reactors. How large is the world’s supply of uranium? How long will it last? Uranium, a metal, is relatively common and can be found in rocks and even seawater as well as in ore deposits in the earth. With 24 percen t, Australia has the largest supply overall, but Kazakhstan recently declared that it had surpassed Australia’s output.Canada has less than 10 percent of the world’s supply, but has the highest concentration of top-quality ore. Worldwide, about 67,00 tons of uranium are used each year. At current demand, that supply is expected to last about 70 years. The World Nuclear Association (WNA) predicts that nuclear reactor capacity will increase by about 27 percent in the next decade and that the demand for uranium will grow by 33 percent in response. There is some debate about when the demand for uranium will be greater than the supply that can be mined economically.Antinuclear activists point out that mineral resources are nonrenewable. Just as the world will eventually run out of oil and coal, it will also run out of uranium. Some analysts believe that this will happen sooner rather than later. Environmentalists object to destructive mining techniques. In Australia, activi sts are concerned with the land rights of indigenous Australians. Another potential roadblock is that uranium mining in general is impeded by a lack of infrastructure and a shortage of experienced workers, factors that drive up processing costs.And, a still-unsolved and crucial problem is how to manage safe, long-term storage of spent nuclear rods, which continue to emit radioactivity. The World Nuclear Association disagrees with these assessments. First, not all uranium deposits have been discovered. Since 1975, the number of known deposits has tripled. Advances in geological research and more exploration will detect many more. As mining techniques improve, known deposits that are currently unreachable will become economically accessible.The WNA predicts that at current rates of usage, known supplies will last 200 years rather than 70 or 80. Second, ore deposits are not the only sources of uranium. It is also found in nuclear weapons, available because of various disarmament treati es. The end of the Cold War in the late 1980s also meant the end of the nuclear arms race. Nuclear warheads contain high-quality enriched uranium. Utility companies and governments also have stockpiles of the metal. Third, research is ongoing to make enrichment facilities and reactors more energy efficient.Fourth, unlike oil or coal, uranium can be recycled from spent nuclear fuel rods and from tailings (uranium left over from the enrichment process). These techniques should also improve over time. Other sources, such as phosphates and seawater, could become economically viable in the future. Questions for Critical Thinking 1. What factors do you think will affect the supply and demand curve for nuclear energy? 2. Describe what type of competition you predict will arise in the nuclear energy industry.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Elizabeth Catlett essays
Elizabeth Catlett essays Women in the Visual Arts Perspective 2330A Elizabeth Catlett is a famous African American artist. Catlett was born in 1919 in Washington D.C. Her grandparents were former slaves. Catletts grandparents were freed from slavery, and after they were freed they decided that they wanted better lives for their children which were Catletts parents. Catlett created art works that related to her struggle of being an African American woman. Catlett would not separate her work from her African American heritage. Catlett would not separate her art work from the people. She felt that she could express the struggles of her people through her art work. Catlett faced many struggles because of her ethnic background. She faced many problems when she was younger and pursuing her career as an artist. Catlett faced two major problems she was a woman, and the other problem she faced was being African American. Catlett was an instructor, graphic artist, and a teacher. She has many works of art she has completed including: Sharecropper it was made from wood completed in 1970, Pensive made of bronze completed in 1946, Negro Es Bello made from lithograph completed in 1968, Malcolm Speaks To Us made from linocut completed in 1969, Singing Head made of marble completed in 1970, Elvira made from terra cota completed in 1997, and Homage To My Young Black Sisters made from cedar wood completed in 1968 e.t.c. Catlett had a famous work Mother And Child that won the American Negro Exhibition in Chicago in 1940. Catlett plays a very important part of women roles in visual arts history. Catlett came from parents that were very talented. Her father was a very intelligent man. Her father was a professor of mathematics, a musician, composer, and a sculptor. Catletts father taught Booker T. Washington. Catlett followed in the foot steps of her father, she became a teacher. She was a teacher in Durham, North ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
School Supplies List for College Students
School Supplies List for College Students Heading to college? Youll soon find that your work is a little more intense compared to high school, so you will need the right supplies to help meet the challenge. A basic list that includes lined paper, folders, pens, and pencils, is a given. But to get the most out of your study time, youll need a few extras. The items listed here should cover most all your bases, although your professors will likely hand out a syllabus during the first week of class that will list additional items specific to that particular course. To Keep With You Whether you use a backpack or a tote bag to carry your stuff around, make sure these items are always inside, along with the basics listed above: Post-Itâ„ ¢ Flags: Dont ever read an academic book without sticky note flags! These little wonders are great for keeping track of important passages when reading a book. Theyre also handy for marking pages when writing book reviews and research papers. Student Planner: Every professor will supply students with a syllabus that lists assignment due dates and test dates. Youll want to record these dates right away! As soon as you receive that syllabus, start recording your due dates. You should also consider using the sticky note flags for test days or due dates. From day one, the planner will become your new best friend when it comes to staying on top of your studies.Tiny Stapler: To make sure you dont lose important information, keep a stapler on hand for those times when professors hand out stacks of papers for you to read, and for assembling and turning in assignments of your own. Your friends will love you if youre always equipped with this essential tool.Highlighters: Highli ghters are useful for pointing out important terms and definitions in workbooks and articles. You can also use different colors of highlighter to create a code for different topics when conducting research. Calculator: If you sign up for any kind of math class, expect to invest in the right calculator for the job.MLA Style Guide: Most freshman-year classes require writing essays- and, depending on your major, you might write essays for the majority of your classes until you graduate. In any event, most professors will expect you to use MLA guidelines. Theyll be looking for very specific formatting on title pages, essays, and bibliographies. The style guide will show you how to format citations, page numbers, and more.Index Cards: Youll go through hundreds of index cards in college. Nothing can compete with them when it comes to memorizing terms and definitions, and flashcards are essential for studying for tests.Memory Stick: These little devices are sometimes called flash drives or jump drives, but the name is not important. Youll need a portable storage device of some kind for backing up copies of your work.Blue Book: These small, blue-colored booklets are used for essay-t ype exams and are available for purchase at your university bookstore. You should keep one on hand at all times since test dates can sneak up on you. For YourStudy Space Carve out a spot in your dorm room, bedroom, or other space, and devote it specifically to your studies. It should hold a bright lamp, a desk large enough to work on with your computer or tablet, and a printer if you choose to buy one instead of using those in the computer lab. It should also have enough blank wall space to hold a large calendar and a bulletin board. Here are our suggestions on how to stock this space: Big Wall Calendar: Record all due dates on a big wall calendar that you can see when you enter your room.Colored Stickers: Use color-coded stickers on your big wall calendar, like blue dots for test days and yellow dots for assignment due dates.Printer paper: Keep a stock of paper on hand for printing out assignments. Dont be late turning in a paper because you couldnt print it out!Post-It Cover-Up Tape: This tape is great for studying for a test. Use it to cover up keywords in your notes, a textbook, or a study guide, and voil, you have a fill-in-the-blank test. It sticks lightly to the paper to cover up words or definitions, so you can cover up a word, print on the tape, and peel it off to see if your answer matches the answer underneath the tape.Glue, Scissors, and Tape: You may not need these items very often, but when you need them, you really need them.Bulletin Board and Pins: Organize your life and keep family photos close at hand with a bulletin board. Luxury Items These are by no means necessary, and they can be expensive, but they will make your study time much more productive. Smartpen by Livescribe: This is a favorite tool for math students, who always seem to get it when the teacher lectures and works out problems, but then lose it when they sit down to work the problems on their own. The Smartpen will allow you to record a lecture while taking notes, and then afterward place the pen tip on any word or drawing and listen to the part of the lecture that was taking place when those notes were recorded. Post-Itâ„ ¢ Easel Pads: This item is useful for brainstorming, especially in a study-group setting. Its basically a pad of giant sticky notes that you can cover with a mind-dump of notes, list items, ideas, etc., and then stick to the wall or any other surface.Notebook Computer: You will have access to computer labs on campus, but a notebook computer will free you up to do your work anywhere. If you have a laptop already, great, but you may find a notebook to be easier to use, more compact, and lighter to carry. Printer/Scanner: Youll be able to print your work out on your schools printers, but having your own is much more convenient- and it will allow you to check your work more easily. Make sure to get one with scanning capabilities. Scanners can be used to create study guides from your books, which will help you in everything from preparing for tests to writing a research paper. Laptop or Computer Notebook: Again, youll have access to computer labs on campus, but owning a laptop or computer notebook with a click-on keyboard will free you up to do your work anywhere.Smartphone: While your professors will likely not allow phones in their classrooms, having access to a smartphone will enable you to use a wealth of education-specific apps once you are away from the classroom.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Social work. Domestic violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Social work. Domestic violence - Essay Example It is quite concerning that incidences of domestic and intimate partner violence in the United States have in recent times experienced a surge that has now caused them to start occurring in rather epidemic proportions. The growth of the domestic violence epidemic is highlighted by the fact that it is estimated to annually be affecting an estimated about 6.2 million American women. Domestic violence has been shown to be causing these women more serious injuries as compared to muggings, car accidents and rape combined. During an average 12 month period, it has been shown that at least 4 million women experience an incident involving serious assault and is perpetrated by an intimate male partner(Schuler, 2010, p.164). As a result of the large number of domestic violence incidences perpetrated against women, Women have been shown to represent about 95 percent of the victims of domestic violence. While most of the research and focus of domestic violence is often targeted at women, of note is that there are a large number of cases whereby men have been noted to be the victims of domestic violence. Shuler (2010, p. 163)points out that in the 1970’s the issue of domestic violence was brought into the country’s general conversations by a number of feminist groups that organized and conducted numerous protests that were targeted at the criminal justice system and it is for this reason that the vast majority of individuals that happen to report incidences of domestic violence often tend to be women. The issue of male victims of domestic and intimate partner violence has now become an extremely serious issue in the United States. Shuler (2010, p. 164) points out that there are about 3.8 women and 1.3 men per 1000 that fall victim to domestic or intimate partner violence annually.Although it is a rather serious problem, the victimization of men by their women partners has largely been ignored by the general society. This is because of the
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