Thursday, October 31, 2019
DLA Piper Business Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
DLA Piper Business - Case Study Example Miller respectively. Moreover, in the international who’s who of business lawyers legal awards, Edward J Levin, Elliot M Surkin, Charles l Edwards, Robert H Goldman and David Glickstein are among those who happened to be recognized internationally. There is a plethora of competitively experienced individuals and a truthful national mode of networking. Over the past year, the exceptional large team has been preoccupied with a varied range of contentious issues as work related fatalities and explosions (Lorsch & Chernak, 2006). In addition, the company is also expanding to the non-contentious issues as giving sufficient advice to companies on compliance related matters. For instance, Paul Burnley, client focused, has a good reputation in health and safety cases and many clients profess satisfaction with his service. The company has a customer approach to offering its services. In legal advice, a majority of the client are informed in the language they can best comprehend for sat isfaction and an emphasis and unlimited synthesis to matter pertaining to the law. To the court cases, proper documented evidence is given with prior filing of documents at the clerks’ offices. ... The competent lawyers who come to the root the law undertake detailed case proceedings. In addition, the company was the second largest supporter of president Barrack Obama re-election campaign (Lorsch & Chernak, 2006). This is to unveil the loopholes that may not have been underscored in the search for justice. There are opportunities to thrive into new countries and give legal advice, to absorb new graduates in the bar into the firm and also expand the scope of operations of the company to other areas in law. The challenges that abound the firm are: to start with is the navigation into a multi jurisdictional environment. This is where legal suits happen in a country albeit the lawyers do not understand the jurisdictional customs, or a transfer of suit to other jurisdictions. Secondly, the process of mastering the European market for competent arbitrage opportunities turns out to be a drawback to the firm. Thirdly, the company is trying to make prior up to date preparations for cons olidation and ensure there is greater competition to competitors. Consequently, less complex legal services should be offered to clients and DLA piper is obliged to be customer- focused. The long-term leadership of the firm is also a challenge that needs to be addressed. It is prudent a decision to address the challenges faced by the company so as to come up with better management methods of legal entities. In the event, better services and organizations will come up. In the Adler and Gunderson case, the company should be well able to transcend the national boundaries and impart new knowledge to others. An example of the company is that it should traverse other boundaries to establish new operations there. In the event, it will become a
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Market Structure Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Market Structure - Research Paper Example any new firm can enter the market because of no restrictions such as high setup cost, legal barriers or any other. All the firms are earning normal profit as there is strong competition within the industry. Secondly, homogenous products are produced, i.e. all products are identical or standardized and are substitutes of each other, thus sharing the same price as well (â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). An imperfect competition is where there are not many producers in the market and there is less competition as buyers and sellers are not fully aware of the prices so different prices exist for same product in the market (â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). There are three forms of an imperfect market: Monopolistic Competition: Under this structure, there are few sellers as comparedwith perfect competition and the products produced are differentiated due to branding, which gives the producer a way to have his own pricing policy and thus can earn more than normal profits (â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). Oligopoly: there are a few suppliers in the market in this structure, and every supplier has a substantial control over the prices, and output produced because few suppliers control the entire supply in the market. There is strong rival consciousness because of the interdependence of suppliers. There is a possibility of product differentiation as well as substitute products, and the price-output policy of each supplier depends upon the degree of homogeneity or heterogeneity (â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). Monopoly: There is a single seller or producer who controls the entire market. As he controls the whole supply, he can fix the price and earn abnormal profits. There are high barriers to entry and exit from this industry, which prevents competitors from entering into it (â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). It’s a one firm industry in which there is no need for differentiation because no substitutes are available. There is a single product completely under the control of a monopolist who is the price maker(â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). 2. Identify one real-life example of a market structure in your local city and relate your example to each of the characteristics of the market. There are different industries or markets operating in a city, with each of them following a different market structure according to the nature of the business there. One such dominant industry is the women’s clothing, which is operating in the monopolistic competition market structure. It is a real-life example of this structure, and one can clearly categorize its features as those present in this market structure. There is a high number of sellers in the market with each producing a differentiated product and heavily advertising and promoting its brand name to create customer awareness. The aim of firms is to crate brand loyalty, which allows them to charge a higher price than their competitor, meaning that sellers have some control over price but not full control because of thei r interdependency. In long-run, firm with effective advertising and innovation will only earn normal profits because of the competition as it will not be able to charge too high a price. However, in short run, some firms can earn abnormal profits with their non-price competition, quality, design or attractive advertising, just like in women’s clothing. The products are produced almost same style except some variation in the designs, quality and a strong brand name associated with it. There is
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Ender and Valentine
Ender and Valentine Ender and Valentine Relations are really important to have in life, as it lets you share your life with someone. Without relations a person doesnt have an identity and becomes very lonely. In the book Enders Game by Orson Scott Card, a story has been told about a young man named Andrew Wiggin a.k.a. Ender. Being a third child wasnt easy for Ender, because people around him always misunderstood or underestimated him, which caused problems in his relationships. In these situations, his sister, Valentine, was the only one who supported him. Throughout the book he faced many problems, mainly isolation. In these times he would look up to no one but her sister. Valentine always supported, cared and fought for Ender, and thats what made their relationship grow stronger. Since Valentine cares for Ender very much, she acts like Enders mother throughout the book. Whenever there is a fight between Ender and Peter, his older brother, Valentine is the one who brings the fight to an end just like a mother. Everyone in the novel thinks that Valentine is the caretaker of Ender because when Ender gets his monitor removed, Valentine acts as his monitor. Valentine protects Ender from Peter by being Enders shadow. Noticing this behavior, Peter threatens Valentine, â€Å"You are his mother now, you better watch him, day and night. You better be there.†(Card 13) This scene takes place in chapter 2, when Peter, Ender and Valentine are playing games and Peter beats up Ender. Valentine always supported and fought for Ender. She is the only person Ender was related to. But their relationship becomes weaker when Ender decides to go to the battle school. The distance between earth and the battle school was now visible in Enders and Valentines relationship. This distance in their relationship, on the bright side, was a good idea because it helps Ender concentrate at battle school and make it to the command fleet. Valentine was never able to forget Ender and therefore writes letters to him every time. She celebrates Enders birthdays all by herself. This proves her one hundred percent commitment towards their relationship. On the other hand, Ender little known about his sister didnt think about Valentine that much. Due to his own problems at the battle school, he couldnt write back letters. Few years passes, they see each other again. This is when Ender is sent to earth for his vacation. While in the lake talking about their childhood, Valentine questions Ender, â€Å"So were strangers now? (Card 235)†Ender answers, â€Å"Arent we, Valentine? (Card 235)†They are completely unaware of each others lives but they still remember their childhood. This is the beauty of Enders and Valentines relationship. After some time spent together they were closer than before. Since Ender sees Valentine as his caretaker he obeys her and returns to the battle school. The gap in their relationship once again increases until the destruction of the buggers. Valentine towards the end gets very manipulative towards Ender and their relationship, â€Å"I know what youre thinking, Ender youre thinking that Im trying to control you just as much as Peter or Graff or any others. (Card 280)†This scene occurs when Ender is done with bugger world and wants to go back to the earth, but Valentine refuses to go because Peter was now in charge of the earth. Valentine knew that she would never see Ender again, if Ender went to the Earth and she went to the first colony. And thats why she tries to convince Ender to stay with her. This proves that she really cares about her little brother and loves him dearly. Valentine is also very cunning and manipulative like Peter. She tries to show Ender that she is not controlling, but she is. Due to Enders compassion for people, Valentine wants Ender to be with her forever after the destruction of bugger world. After discovering bugger queen, Ender decides to publish a book based on the story said by the bugger queen. Ender had full support of Valentine in publishing Speaker of the dead. She helped him inform people of earth that buggers werent really harmful. Valentine plays a very important character when it comes to Ender and his relationship, because Ender always obeys her. Valentine is the only person Ender has a good relationship with. The ups and downs always occur in a relationship, but thats what made their relationship grow stronger. Supporting each other was the key factor in their relationship. In this way Ender and Valentines relationship survives through the obstacles.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Core Elements of Health Education and Risk Reduction Activities Essay
Core Elements of Health Education and Risk Reduction Activities A number of core elements should be considered in health education and risk reduction program and evaluation activities. Effective Health Education and Risk Reduction program activities: †¢ State realistic, specific, measurable, and attainable program goals and objectives. †¢ Identify methods and activities to achieve specific goals and objectives. †¢ Define staff roles, duties, and responsibilities. †¢ Define the populations to be served by geographic locale, risk behavior(s), gender, sexual orientation, and race/ethnicity. †¢ Assure that educational materials and messages are relevant, culturally competent, and language- and age-appropriate. †¢ Include professional development for all program staff. †¢ Include a written policy and personnel procedures that address stress and burnout. †¢ Include written procedures for the referral and tracking of clients to appropriate services outside of the agency. †¢ Provide for collaboration with other local service providers to assure access to services for clients. †¢ Assure confidentiality of persons served. Effective Health Education and Risk Reduction evaluation activities: †¢ Include process evaluation. †¢ Require consistent and accurate data collection procedures, including number of persons served, quantity and type of literature or materials distributed, and demographics of persons served. A description of the tools to be used and definitions of various measurements (e.g., "unit of service" and "contact") should be outlined. †¢ Include staff supervision, observation, evaluation, and feedback on a regular basis. †¢ Include feedback from persons served. †¢ Designate staff who are responsible for evaluation and quality assurance activities, for compiling and analyzing data, and for documenting and reviewing findings. †¢ Define methods for assessing progress toward stated proc... ...apters to read Aug. 21 - Course outline 26 - The Meaning of Health and Wellness 1 28 - The Meaning of Health and Wellness 1 Sept. 2 – Health Promotion 2 4 - Health Promotion 2 9 - Health Education 3 11 - No class 16 - History of Health Education and Health Promotion 4 18 - History of Health Education and Health Promotion 4 23 - Health Education and Promotion as a Profession 5 25 - Health Education and Promotion as a Profession 5 30 - Settings for Health Education and Promotion 6 Oct. 2 - Settings for Health Education and Promotion 6 7 - Mid-term exam 9 – Fall break 14 - Coordinated School Health Programs 7 16 - Government Initiatives 8 21 - Programs that work 9 23 - Programs that work 9 28 - Learning and Behavior Change: Theories and Models 10 30 - Learning and Behavior Change: Theories and Models 10 Nov. 4 - Needs Assessment, Planning, and Program Implementation 11 6 - Needs Assessment, Planning, and Program Implementation 11 11 - Evaluation 12 13 - Evaluation 12 18 - Current and Future Issues in Health Education and Health Promotion 13 20 - PPD 25 – Interview presentations 27 - Thanksgiving Dec. 2 - Interview presentations 4 - Interview presentations FINAL TBA
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Did Marie Antoinette deserve her infamous reputation?
Marie Antoinette is one of History's most infamous figures. History has her painted as flirtatious spend-thrift adulteress, who participated in many promiscuous affairs and wasted an awful lot of money. However, beneath her depicted personality there is someone else entirely, a caring and devoted mother, but also a brave and courageous woman. Marie Antoinette was born to the great Austrian empress Maria Theresa on November 2, 1755. She was never expected to be a Queen; however, she was a pawn in a plan of her Mother's which involved marrying all her female children off to rich noblemen from other countries, in order to strengthen Austria's alliances. She left home at the tender age of fourteen, to be married to Louis XVI of France. In the early stages of her reign, she was much adored by the people of France, for her willingness to interact with her people. However this love soon turned to hatred. She did alienate people in the French court, and often invited an exclusive group of friends to her property in Versailles, and people who weren't included began to taunt the queen, with words that would be put into extremes in later years. She was rumoured and suspected to have had a few affairs with a number of men, particularly Count Fersen with whom she was close friends with. However, this was never proven with historical evidence. She also indulged in many luxuries such as fine jewellery, rich silks and elaborate clothing, in addition to gambling. Whilst many of her subjects were starving, hungry and bedraggled, she consistently spent money, sometimes even money that she did not have. She was most famously recorded to have said ‘Let them eat cake' when told about the hungry peasants, begging for bread, however she did not say that, for it was actually said by a Spanish princess a hundred years antecedent. She also failed for many years to produce an heir (through no fault of her own) and refused to tolerate the sillier traditions and people in the court at Versailles. However, she wasn't all that the pamphlets claimed her to be. She was not harsh or cruel, for she was a devoted mother with a loving and caring nature. Secondly when the great mob of people stampeded into the palace, demanding her to be slain and slaughtered, she stood on the balcony with musket and loaded pistols pointing at her, and she just stood there, knowing that she could die at any second. Even when the revolt had come to murder her, they all lowered their weapons and shouted ‘Long Live the Queen.' She was very brave and influential. Thirdly, she never committed incest or abused her son, and this was almost definitely a lie by the revolt in order to make sure the jury was convinced of her death sentence. She was also very noble and not as self centred a s she is remember today for she had several opportunities to escape alone but refused to do so without her family. The affair of the necklace was also a set so as to frame her again for doing something she didn't do. I believe that Marie Antoinette was a victim of bad timing. I also believe that she was used as a type of scapegoat, for at a time when everything was going wrong for France, the people longed for someone they could blame, and she seemed the perfect target. Most of the accusations made about her were either exaggerations or completely fake. Her reputation for infidelity and wastefulness was used by her enemies to infuriate the masses against the monarchy. It is not true that she was completely innocent, for she was an avid gambler and spender, and this may have had some effect on the economic downturn of France in the 1700's, however I do not believe that she deserved the degree of abuse and reputation that she received.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Odysseus as an Epic Hero
Odysseus as an Epic Hero In an epic poem, epic heroes exist. An epic hero, an important figure from a history or legend, has to relate to society. By having similar traits as humans, people will look up to the hero. In the epic poem, Beowulf, the epic hero, â€Å"Beowulf†, has the ability to die. Since he has this trait, he relates to the civilization and they look up to him. The â€Å"Odyssey†, another epic poem, has a hero also. Odysseus, the hero in the â€Å"Odyssey,†fits a model of an epic hero because he has the important traits of an epic hero and relates to society.His traits include the ability to feel fear, his cunning, and physically impressive traits. Odysseus fits the model of an epic hero because he feels fear. The epic hero cannot relate to society unless he has the ability to feel fear. In having something to lose, the epic hero must demonstrate courage by overcoming the source of his terror. Odysseus experiences this terror mentally and physical ly, he faces it, and ultimately overcomes it. As Polyphemus, the Cyclops, speaks, Odysseus and his men feel â€Å"a pressure†on their hearts, â€Å"in dread / of that deep rumble and that mighty man†(246-7).Odysseus and his men face the possibility of death when the encounter the Cyclops. Odysseus’ actions show his humanity because of his ability to feel fear mentally. He also expresses his fear physically when he raises his hands in supplication to Zeus, crying out â€Å"lifting our hands to Zeus, / powerless, looking on at this, appalled†(284-5). Because Odysseus experiences fear physically and mentally, he relates to his men, Greek society, and the reader. Like all men, Odysseus must face his fear in order to overcome it. As Homer says, â€Å"Now, by the gods, I . . . cheered my men along with battle talk / to keep their courage up: no quitting now. . . . So with our brand we bored that great eye socket / while blood ran out around the red-hot barà ¢â‚¬ (368-83). In this case, Odysseus and his men use physical force to conquer the Cyclops. In doing so, he secures safety for his men and motivates them to face other obstacles on their journey. Having faced and defeated Polyphemus, Odysseus shows that he fits the true epic model of a hero. Odysseus demonstrates how he fits the replica of an epic hero because of his cunning. An epic hero associates with the society around him because of his craftiness and cunning. Odysseus displays this by getting out of dangerous ituations, leading his men out of danger, and using flattery. Odysseus and his men, trapped in a cave, needed to get out so they could live. He drew on all his â€Å"wits, and ran through tactics, / reasoning as a man will for dear life, / until a trick came†(418-20). To get out of the cave, he tied himself and his men to the underside of each ram. Clever Odysseus shows his men how cunning can get you out of dangerous situations quickly. He expresses cunning an other way by leading his crew out of danger. He does this by keeping his men away from eating the Lotus flower that made them forget their homeland.To save them, he drove them â€Å"to the ships, / tied them down under their rowing benches, / and called the rest†(211-13). This showed his cunning saved his men. Thus, a good captain and epic hero, like Odysseus, should have a cunning personality. Calypso, the goddess nymph, trapped Odysseus on her island. He uses his cunning to flatter her into letting him return home. He does this by telling her â€Å"My lady goddess / †¦ my quiet Penelope / †¦ would seem a shade before your majesty, / death and old age being unknown to you, / while she must die†(114-17). His ability to flatter Calypso led him of the island and allowed him to go home.An epic hero would need all these examples of cunning to survive and lead his men. To become an epic hero, it would help if he had physical strength, accuracy, and impressive lo oks. Odysseus shows he has strength when he â€Å"so effortlessly / †¦ in one motion strung the bow†(1190-91). Odysseus could only string the bow. No one else could because of the heftiness of the bow. A hero must have accuracy. When Odysseus says, â€Å"Now watch me hit a target that no man has hit before†(1225) and hits the target, he proves that has accuracy. Odysseus and the other epic heroes should have impressive looks.According to Telemachus, Odysseus’ son, Odysseus looks like â€Å"one of the gods who rule the sweep of heaven†(1001-02) and stands â€Å"like one of the immortals†(1019). Since he has these traits, it proves that he exemplifies an epic hero. Odysseus has proved that he fits the model of an epic hero because of his traits and how he associates with the society. Because of all these traits, he can finally get home. This becomes very important because he needed to accomplish his goal, to get home. Works Cited Homer. â₠¬Å"The Odyssey. †Austin, Texas: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2003
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Japanese Battleship Yamato in World War II
Japanese Battleship Yamato in World War II One of the largest battleships ever built, Yamato entered service with the Imperial Japanese Navy in December 1941. The battleship and its sister, Musashi, were the only battleships ever constructed with 18.1 guns. Though incredibly powerful, Yamato suffered from a relatively low top speed as its engines were underpowered. Taking part in several campaigns during World War II, the battleship was ultimately sacrificed during the Allied invasion of Okinawa. Ordered south as part of Operation Ten-Go, Yamato was to break through the Allied fleet and beach itself on the island to serve as an artillery battery. While steaming to Okinawa, the battleship was attacked by Allied aircraft and sunk. Design Naval architects in Japan began work on the Yamato-class of battleships in 1934, with Keiji Fukuda serving as the chief designer. Following Japans 1936 withdrawal from the Washington Naval Treaty, which forbade new battleship construction before 1937, Fukudas plans were submitted for approval. Initially meant to be 68,000-ton behemoths, the design of the Yamato-class followed the Japanese philosophy of creating ships that were bigger and superior to those likely to be produced by other nations. For the ships primary armament, 18.1 (460 mm) guns were selected as it was believed that no US ship with similar guns would be capable of transiting the Panama Canal. Originally conceived as a class of five ships, only two Yamatos were completed as battleships while a third, Shinano, was converted to an aircraft carrier during building. With the approval of Fukudas design, plans quietly moved forward to expand and specially prepare a dry dock at the Kure Naval Dockyards for construction of the first ship. Veiled in secrecy, Yamato was laid down on November 4, 1937. Early Issues In order to prevent foreign nations from learning the actual size of the ship, Yamatos design and cost were compartmentalized with few knowing the true scope of the project. In order to accommodate the massive 18.1 guns, Yamato featured an extremely wide beam which made the ship very stable even in high seas. Though the ships hull design, which featured a bulbous bow and a semi-transom stern, was tested extensively, Yamato was unable to achieve speeds higher than 27 knots making it unable to keep up with most Japanese cruisers and aircraft carriers. This slow speed was largely due to the vessel being underpowered. In addition, this issue led to high levels of fuel consumption as the boilers struggled to produce enough power. Launched with no fanfare on August 8, 1940, Yamato was completed and commissioned on December 16, 1941, shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor and the beginning of World War II in the Pacific. Entering service, Yamato and its sister Musashi became the largest and most powerful battleships ever built. Commanded by Captain Gihachi Takayanagi, the new ship joined the 1st Battleship Division. Fast Facts: Japanese Battleship Yamato Overview Nation: JapanType: BattleshipShipyard: Kure Naval DockyardLaid Down: November 4, 1937Launched: August 8, 1940Commissioned: December 16, 1941Fate: Sunk in action, April 7, 1945 Specifications Displacement: 72,800 tonnesLength: 862 ft. 6 in. (overall)Beam: 127 ft.Draft:: 36 ft.Propulsion: 12 Kampon boilers, driving 4 steam turbines and 4 propellersSpeed: 27 knotsRange: 7,145 miles at 16 knotsComplement: 2,767 men Armament (1945) Guns 9 x 18.1 in. (3 turrets with 3 guns each)6 x 6.1 in.24 x 5 in.162 x 25 mm anti-aircraft4 x 13.2 mm anti-aircraft Aircraft 7 aircraft using 2 catapults Operational History On February 12, 1942, two months after its commissioning, Yamato became the flagship of the Japanese Combined Fleet led by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. That May, Yamato sailed as part of Yamamotos Main Body in support of the attack on Midway. Following the Japanese defeat at the Battle of Midway, the battleship moved to the anchorage at Truk Atoll arriving in August 1942. The ship remained at Truk for much of the next year largely due to its slow speed, high fuel consumption, and a lack of ammunition for shore bombardment. In May 1943, Yamato sailed to Kure and had its secondary armament altered and new Type-22 search radars added. Returning to Truk that December, Yamato was damaged by a torpedo from USS Skate en route. Yamato and Musashi at Truk, 1943. Public Domain After repairs were completed in April 1944, Yamato joined the fleet during the Battle of the Philippine Sea that June. During the Japanese defeat, the battleship served as an escort in Vice Admiral Jisaburo Ozawas Mobile Fleet. In October, Yamato fired its main guns for the first time in battle during the American victory at Leyte Gulf. Though hit by two bombs in the Sibuyan Sea, the battleship aided in sinking an escort carrier and several destroyers off Samar. The following month, Yamato returned to Japan to have its anti-aircraft armament further enhanced. After this upgrade was completed, Yamato was attacked by US aircraft with little effect while sailing in the Inland Sea on March 19, 1945. With the Allied invasion of Okinawa on April 1, 1945, Japanese planners devised Operation Ten-Go. Essentially a suicide mission, they directed Vice Admiral Seiichi Ito to sail Yamato south and attack the Allied invasion fleet before beaching itself on Okinawa as a massive gun battery. Once the ship was destroyed, the crew was to join the islands defenders. Operation Ten-Go Departing Japan on April 6, 1945, Yamatos officers understood that it was to be the vessels last voyage. As a result, they permitted the crew to indulge in saki that evening. Sailing with an escort of eight destroyers and one light cruiser, Yamato possessed no air cover to protect it as it approached Okinawa. Spotted by Allied submarines as it exited the Inland Sea, Yamatos position was fixed by US PBY Catalina scout planes the next morning. Japanese battleship Yamato blows up, following massive attacks by U.S. Navy carrier planes north of Okinawa, 7 April 1945. An escorting destroyer is at left. Photographed from a USS Yorktown (CV-10) plane. US Naval History and Heritage Command Attacking in three waves, SB2C Helldiver dive bombers pummeled the battleship with bombs and rockets while TBF Avenger torpedo bombers assaulted Yamatos port side. Taking multiple hits, the battleships situation deteriorated when its water damage-control station was destroyed. This prevented the crew from counter-flooding specially designed spaces on the starboard side to keep the vessel from listing. At 1:33 PM, Ito directed the starboard boiler and engine rooms flooded in an effort to right Yamato. This action killed several hundred crewmen working in those spaces and cut the battleships speed to ten knots. At 2:02 PM, the admiral elected to cancel the mission and ordered the crew to abandon ship. Three minutes later, Yamato started to capsize. Around 2:20 PM, the battleship rolled over and began sink before being torn open by a massive explosion. Of the ships crew of 2,778, only 280 were rescued. The US Navy lost ten aircraft and twelve airmen in the attack.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Syd Barret essays
Syd Barret essays The rock band Pink Floyd has proven over the years to be a great influence on music and art in Britain and around the world. The band is most acclaimed for their sonically experimental approach and their cerebral masterpieces of the seventies. But having made seven albums before they became a world-renowned psychedelic band, they had time to develop their signature style and songwriting technique. The early days of the band are some of the most interesting in the history of rock music. The founder and once the undisputed leader of Pink Floyd, Syd Barret, showed erratic glimpses of brilliance in his songwriting and musical ideas, but only after writing all the songs on their widely successful debut album in the mid sixties and gaining worldwide popularity for Pink Floyd, Syd left the band because of a nervous breakdown, induced by his constant consumption of LSD and latent schizophrenia. Its undeniable, however, that Syd's erratic brilliance influenced and inspired the remaining memb ers of the band, giving them the means to become one of the most popular and celebrated bands in history. His influence on the band can be most clearly seen, not surprisingly, in their most successful and fully realized albums, The Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here, and The Wall, which were all released years after Syd's departure. Syd Barret's story is one that has always been mysterious and controversial. Syd had a happy childhood. He was a charming boy, who loved art and painting, and was very well liked by his peers. David Gilmour, who grew up with Syd and also became a leading member of Pink Floyd, always had good things to say about him; "From the time I came to know him until the time he 'turned', Syd was fantastic. There wasn't a single person who didn't like him, think he was brilliant, or wasn't certain he was going to be a success at something. He was good-looking and fantastically talented at anything he cared to put his hand on," (q...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Word Choice Explicit vs. Implicit - Proofeds Writing Tips
Word Choice Explicit vs. Implicit - Proofeds Writing Tips Word Choice: Explicit vs. Implicit Its always vital to make the correct word choice in an academic paper. In todays blog post, then, were going to explain the difference between two regularly-confused words: explicit and implicit. Both of these terms describe the way in an idea is expressed, yet they are also opposites of one another. As such, it is very important to use them correctly! Read on below to find out how to avoid errors with these terms. Explicit (Fully and Clearly Expressed) Explicit means clear and unambiguous. For example, if someone has clearly and fully explained their position, you could say that: Jones views in this paper are explicit. This means that Jones views are clearly stated. Dont get confused with the other use of explicit, which indicates material of an adult nature! Implicit (Implied or Expressed Indirectly) Implicit means indirectly expressed. For example, if you read another paper by Jones and decided that some of her views were only implied rather than clearly stated, you could say: Jones current ideas were implicit in her earlier work, but not yet fully developed. Sometimes, implicit can also mean unquestioned or unreserved: My implicit trust in the news media means I am often misled by Rupert Murdoch. In both of these cases, the idea is that something remains unstated. Implicit or Explicit? The correct term to use in any given situation will depend on the context. If you are describing something that is clear and unambiguous, the word to use will be explicit. On the other hand, if youre describing something that is merely implied, rather than clearly and fully expressed, the correct term will be implicit. Remember: Get Your Paper Professionally Proofread If you are interested in having your paper proofread professionally, why not submit a 500-word sample to be proofread for free today?
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Effective Team and Performance Management Assignment
Effective Team and Performance Management - Assignment Example They must be able to suggest solutions to problems and take control of situations by being initiative. They must have the self-confidence to be willing and able to lead others and to set an example. A team leader should be able to take command of others and to push through ideas and policies to their conclusion will assertiveness and determination. With energy and enthusiasm they must set high standards of effort and involvement so that others are encouraged to act in a similar way (Stimpson, Borrington 2006). Some basic roles of managers include strategic planning like setting aims and targets beforehand for the future as they give a sense of direction and purpose to any team work. This will be common feeling among the team members of having something to work towards. It is a manager’s responsibility to organize people and resources effectively with the process of delegation, because a team leader cannot do everything on his own. Some tasks need to be delegated to subordinate s or team members. Delegation means giving a subordinate the authority to perform particular tasks. However, it is important to remember that it is the authority to perform a task which is being delegated and not the final responsibility. A manager can be very good or planning and organizing but may have failed to coordinate or bring people in the tem together just like what happened in the case study. This can be a real danger with the functional form of organization or structural problems as this leads to haphazard aims and not a shared vision. A good leader must therefore make sure that all team members are working together to achieve the plans originally set by the leader. Managers or team leaders must know the right way to command by guiding, leading and supervising people and not just telling them what to do. They must make sure that instructions and deadlines are being met on time. It is their responsibility that tasks are carried out by all team members effectively. Team lea der must also try to evaluate and measure the work of all individuals to make sure that they are on target. There is little point in planning and organizing when leaders fail to check that the original aims are being met. Disciplining staff is also part of their responsibility (David, R. 2005). So, if the team leader does not possess all these roles, then the teamwork is going to lack a sense of control and direction. There would be no coordination between team members which will lead to wastage of effort. Control of team members and organization of resources is vital for productive output and results otherwise; the team project will drift and eventually fail. Different styles of leadership call for different management styles. A good leader will adopt the style of leadership that suits his situation the best. Leadership styles are the different approaches of dealing with people when in a position of authority; autocratic, laissez-faire and democratic. Autocratic leadership is where the leader is expect to be in charge if the project and have his orders followed. They keep themselves separate from other members of the team; they make virtually all the decisions. They will only tell people what they need to know. Communication is the business is mainly one-way and other people have little or no opportunity to comment on anything.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Portfolio Management & Construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9000 words
Portfolio Management & Construction - Essay Example Qatar produces nearly 776 thousand barrels of oil each day and this current level of production is estimated to last for 54 years. When it comes to natural gas, the country is richest if all in the GCC countries. At the end of 2008, its natural gas reserves stood at 25.56 trillion cubic meters, representing nearly 61% of the entire GCC natural gas reserves and nearly 14% of the world’s natural gas reserves. In the GCC region, the country can be called as one of the most stable countries, given its prudent macroeconomic management and combination of natural resources. Due to higher global demand of energy, the economic boom continued till the end of 2008. In the past six years, the economy of Qatar grew as much as five times in size from 2002 to 2008, with an annual rate of 31.6% on average that makes nearly $19.6 billion (2002) to $100.4 billion (2008). The reason of such massive growth is steady increase in energy prices as well as surging gas and oil production. The country has allowed significant foreign investment in the production of its gas field in the past decade and is predicted to become world’s largest Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) exporter in the future period of time. The country is also pursuing to attract foreign investment in the production of its other sectors such as non-energy projects by liberalize the economy even more. However, the global economy experienced drop in oil prices in late 2008 as well as economic and global financial crises that ultimately reduced the budget surplus of the economy and resulted in sluggish pace of development projects and investments in 2009. It is expected that economic growth will rebound and the economic policy emphasizes on developing the non-associated natural gas reserves of Qatar and improving foreign and private investment in non-energy sectors but gas and oil sector is still central in the
Enchanted Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Enchanted - Essay Example It not only spreads the feeling of joy and magic, but also makes the audience laugh at the funny situations that story creates. The movie makes the audience experience everything beautiful and funny that life has to offer. Hence, due to its fantasy world characters, colorful costumes, romantic pursuits, music and dream like story, the movie not only fulfills all the genre requirement of romantic/screwball comedy, but provides all the attributes of romantic comedy in abundance and in generous way. Definition The movie Enchanted, which is directed by Kevin Lima, not only entertains the audience with laughter and romance, but also takes them on an exotic fantasy ride. With its attributes of romance and comedy, the movie can be truly called a romantic/screwball comedy. In conventional way, screwball comedy is defined as â€Å"a distinct genre of film comedy which lampoons on the private lives of members of the upper class†(Laham 25). In earlier days, the aim behind making screwba ll comedy films was to excite the audience by â€Å"thrusting the main characters of those movies into improbable and embarrassing romantic complications which belie their status as dignified and respected members of the upper class†(Laham 25). It is clear from the definition that a screwball comedy has elements of both romance and comedy. If we go by this definition, then the movie Enchanted has all the attributes of the screwball comedy genre. Moreover, according to communication studies professor Robert Miller, the fantasy that is shown in the screwball comedy makes the audience to forget their ‘real world,’ which is usually harsh, and make them believe in the movie’s message that life should be fun (Laham 25). This opinion can be experienced completely through the movie Enchanted. The movie is not only filled with romance and comedy but is full of magical happenings and twists. One can find almost all the genre requirements of romantic/screwball comed y, like fantasy, romantic triangle, music and songs, social class conflict etc., in the movie. Romantic/screwball comedy attributes There are innumerable attributes in the movie which can be called as romantic/screwball comedy attributes. Right from the loving characters, story line, romantic base and musical theme, everything in the movie symbolizes love, joy, happiness and fantasy. However, the most important attribute of the movie is the journey of the characters from the world of fantasy to the world of reality, which is portrayed through transition of characters from animation world to the real world. Transition of characters In the movie Enchanted, some of the lead characters are shown being forced from a land in animated world (called Andalasia) to the world of ‘reality,’ the New York City. This transition has proved to be one of the most interesting attribute of a romantic/screwball comedy. The lead character of the movie, Giselle, her romantic interest Prince E dward, Nanthaniel, Pip and Queen Narissa are shown transiting from the animation world (Andalasia) to the New York City. Their efforts to keep up with the customs and manners of real world are a great delight to watch. For example, when Giselle finds herself on the Times Square after being pushed by Narissa, she creates lot of flutter on the street. Her wedding dress creates a lot of problem for her as she dashes almost everyone with her dress while walking on the foot path. This causes a lot of laughter.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Martin Luther Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Martin Luther - Essay Example The paper is a summary of Martin Luther’s lecture when he was accorded a Nobel peace award. Martin Luther recognises the many problems confronting humankind in the contemporary world. In the lecture, technological and scientific progress has resulted into intellectual growth, development of machines, spaceships and airplanes. Despite the magnanimous growth, the glaring truth points to poverty, consuming the society at an alarming rate. The confusion between the internal and external realms has left people prioritizing external conditions while giving limited attention to the internal aspects. Luther associates the relentless problems to moral and spiritual lag resulting from ethical infantilism leading to war, poverty and injustice. Some of the major struggles include the fight for racial prejudice, which is gradually engulfing American society. In the spate of mixed racial adjustments in United States, racial change and civil right development are inevitable. In the words of Alfred North quoted by Luther, there is no any other time to solve world problems. The hills of expression and freedom of explosion in the contemporary world makes it easy to accomplish the objectives; however, isolation is a great enemy. The lecture furthermore compares America to a continuing story in the bible where the oppressed do not suffer the same fate for a lifetime. In as much as the frantic attention to the Negro attracts attention, Luther also mentions the Black brothers in Caribbean, South America, all of which have assisted in the fight towards social justice and peace. Martin Luther indicates that the feeling of deliberation is also shared in the sanction for colonial dominance in Africa and Asia. Some of the changes evident in America include equality in public schools and constitutional respect for civil rights. Additionally, he mentions the recent presidential election where an overwhelming change
Was Nelson Mandela's decision to support the move to armed struggle Essay
Was Nelson Mandela's decision to support the move to armed struggle justified - Essay Example Totally within and entirely dependent on South Africa is the small independent nation of Lesotho. Colonization in South Africa In the 1870s, the British operating from their main base in Cape Colony attempted to try and bring about a total political unification of the various states that they ruled in the region. The Anglo-Boer South African war that was fought between 1899-1902 allowed the entire South Africa to come completely under the rule of the British for the first time and with this, the movement by the British to try and secure the total unification of the four colonies was considerably intensified. Despite the union having a constitution that was heavily white supremacist and the region being mainly dominated by Afrikaners, the British were seen to welcome the formation of the new union (Page, 2003). After 1910, the South African government was seen to mostly be in the hands of several advocates who were advocating for a general policy of conciliation in South Africa. In 19 48 the â€Å"Purified†Nationalists party finally managed to come into power in South Africa and managed to hold on to power for over 40 years, until 1994. It was during this period that the party oversaw the creation and general implementation of the South African apartheid policy (Page, 2003). The Apartheid System in South Africa To a large extent, the South African National Party was seen to largely seen to build on a general principle of racial segregation that had been largely existent even before the establishment of the Union of South Africa. Various legislation governing urban and land in the country that had been established during 1923 and 1913 had for the most part set the necessary frame work that was needed for the successful formation of a segregationist society. In 1943 and 1946, the government formed legislation that helped it segregate Natal Indians with 1926 seen the extension of the job color bar (Riccucci, 1995). All the Individuals who came into power in South Africa in the year 1948 were all seen to believe that they had an actual formula that would aid them in ensuring the successful future of white minority rule in South Africa. Some of the measures implemented during this period in South Africa included the removal of blacks from the common voters’ roll, the continual tightening of the job color bar, the provision of an extremely inferior and separate education system for black in the country. To further advance these segregationist policies, all persons in the country were forced to live in specific racially defined â€Å"group areas†while various black African territories that were referred to as â€Å"Bantustans†were also created. These Bantustans were designed to allow black Africans to exercise their political rights strictly within the confines of these areas. The apartheid’s government Population Registration Act was seen to arbitrarily classify all South African’s based on their race, while the 1953 Reservation of separate Amenities Act was also seen to considerably tighten â€Å"petty apartheid†so as to try and eliminate any possible contact between different races (Stasiulis and Yuval-Davis, 1995). Malan’s Successor, H. F. Verwoerd believed that these Bantustan areas could be lead to some form of independence and in time, four of these Bantustan a
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Company Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Company Analysis - Essay Example Weaknesses need to be overcome as they have the potential for being a major reason in the failure of the business (Hauser, 2012). When evaluated by my group members, it was found that my contribution, attendance at meetings, and leadership were the major drawbacks. This was perhaps because of an inappropriate leadership style or not being much competitive and strong leader in directing the way. I should rather be more vigilant, risk taking, and influential as the production head. Too much relaxed attitude with utmost responsibility given to the subordinates may increase their motivation and productivity since they would feel no â€Å"pressure from the top†, but a little control from the leader is needed. Workers needed to be guided, always been given directions, and should be lead from the front by the leader. I lacked in this area, but certainly overcoming the loops is the best solution ever. I will tend to become more competitive, leading the team, always engaging in all kin ds of meetings, giving clear directions to all, showing my leadership skills. Training and adopting an enthusiastic strategy would help. 3. Discuss your role on the team. I was in charge of the production department. My role was to engage in careful planning and analysis or evaluation of different strategies and product decisions of different products with the team. As the production in charge, I experimented with different strategies and production decisions and looked for their impact on the business in the long-run.
Was Nelson Mandela's decision to support the move to armed struggle Essay
Was Nelson Mandela's decision to support the move to armed struggle justified - Essay Example Totally within and entirely dependent on South Africa is the small independent nation of Lesotho. Colonization in South Africa In the 1870s, the British operating from their main base in Cape Colony attempted to try and bring about a total political unification of the various states that they ruled in the region. The Anglo-Boer South African war that was fought between 1899-1902 allowed the entire South Africa to come completely under the rule of the British for the first time and with this, the movement by the British to try and secure the total unification of the four colonies was considerably intensified. Despite the union having a constitution that was heavily white supremacist and the region being mainly dominated by Afrikaners, the British were seen to welcome the formation of the new union (Page, 2003). After 1910, the South African government was seen to mostly be in the hands of several advocates who were advocating for a general policy of conciliation in South Africa. In 19 48 the â€Å"Purified†Nationalists party finally managed to come into power in South Africa and managed to hold on to power for over 40 years, until 1994. It was during this period that the party oversaw the creation and general implementation of the South African apartheid policy (Page, 2003). The Apartheid System in South Africa To a large extent, the South African National Party was seen to largely seen to build on a general principle of racial segregation that had been largely existent even before the establishment of the Union of South Africa. Various legislation governing urban and land in the country that had been established during 1923 and 1913 had for the most part set the necessary frame work that was needed for the successful formation of a segregationist society. In 1943 and 1946, the government formed legislation that helped it segregate Natal Indians with 1926 seen the extension of the job color bar (Riccucci, 1995). All the Individuals who came into power in South Africa in the year 1948 were all seen to believe that they had an actual formula that would aid them in ensuring the successful future of white minority rule in South Africa. Some of the measures implemented during this period in South Africa included the removal of blacks from the common voters’ roll, the continual tightening of the job color bar, the provision of an extremely inferior and separate education system for black in the country. To further advance these segregationist policies, all persons in the country were forced to live in specific racially defined â€Å"group areas†while various black African territories that were referred to as â€Å"Bantustans†were also created. These Bantustans were designed to allow black Africans to exercise their political rights strictly within the confines of these areas. The apartheid’s government Population Registration Act was seen to arbitrarily classify all South African’s based on their race, while the 1953 Reservation of separate Amenities Act was also seen to considerably tighten â€Å"petty apartheid†so as to try and eliminate any possible contact between different races (Stasiulis and Yuval-Davis, 1995). Malan’s Successor, H. F. Verwoerd believed that these Bantustan areas could be lead to some form of independence and in time, four of these Bantustan a
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Imperialism Essay Example for Free
Imperialism Essay One negative effect imperialism had been that the Africans were being stripped of their land. In document 4 an African proverb states that â€Å"the whites†had taken their land and changed their faith, displaying the amount of power â€Å"the whites†have. Europeans first sent out missionaries to spread their religion to these non-industrialized countries. After the Europeans have set their religion in they would bring in the big guns and take their land. A West African nationalist, Sekou Toure, describes how imperialists look down upon Africans as savages who couldn’t rule and absorbed colonies into their empire, his purpose for the document was possibly to unite people against the whites. The imperialists would basically bully weaker countries until they lacked self-confidence and just eventually give up their land. Once the imperialists absorbed these colonies they would use their raw materials to support their industrialization back at their homeland. Although it appears that Africans being stripped of their land is a negative effect, a journal containing entries about country invasion by a military officer would help to clarify whether this is true. Another negative impact imperialism had been the exploitation of Africans for work. An unknown artist drew a picture of an Asian man and an African man pulling a military officer in a wagon to show the power that European nations have above others. Bigger/more powerful nations are taking advantage of the people settled in lands that aren’t industrialized or as rich. David Diop displayed how â€Å"The White Man†takes advantage of in Africans in An Anthology of West African Verse that describes the death of his father and brother and his mother being raped. In the second to last line Diop called â€Å"The White Man†the â€Å"Conqueror†because he truly did conquer Diop’s family and freedom. The â€Å"Conqueror†left Diop with nothing except forcing him into slavery. A German cartoon titled â€Å"Thus colonize the English†shows a man in uniform squeezing coins out of an African while another man is feeding the African water and a priest preaching in the background. The purpose of this illustration is to show the only value/importance an African American has is for its use of labor. Europeans see indigenous people as a way for them to make money. Mistreatment and forcing religion onto these people was common in order for them to have â€Å"power†of them. Although it appears that Africans were exploited by imperialist Europeans for work, a survey of the amount of pay African workers receive and their type of labor would help to clarify whether this is true. Imperialism did bring out a positive effect that was that the industrialized European nations and non-industrialized, agricultural societies both benefited from each other. O. P. Austin, the author of â€Å"Does Colonization Pay†, described how imperialism benefits progressive nations and the tropic colonies. This was written to persuade/inform the skeptics or people against imperialism. The positive effects would be that if the tropic colonies allowed the progressive nations to control garden spots then in return they would build schools and roads. These progressive nations claimed that they gave â€Å"these people the benefit of other blessings of civilization which they have not the means of creating themselves. †The document Imperialism and World Politics by Parker T. Moore explains the different groups of people involved in imperialism to show the chain of command/importance. Imperialism involves more than just the military that take over the land, manufacturers have interest in colonial markets, and bankers are the most important because the money used for loan to build ships and railways. Although it appears that both nations benefitted from imperialism, newspaper articles from both nations about the status of their economy and politics would help to clarify whether this is true.
Monday, October 14, 2019
How Globalisation Has Harmed And Benefited The World
How Globalisation Has Harmed And Benefited The World This essay deals with various aspects of the globalisation process and the ways in which it has benefited or harmed different regions, nations, organisations and peoples. Globalisation is a complex process that concerns the progressive integration of people, goods, finances, thoughts, concepts, and ideas across nations on account of a range of political, economic, social and cultural drivers (Perrons, 2004, p 16). Whilst it has been an ongoing process since the beginning of history, the history of the world has been distinguished by specific periods of high and low globalisation. Globalisation in historic days occurred primarily on account of conquest, travel, and trade between nations, but was perforce slow because of the numerous constraints that existed in areas of travel and communication (Perrons, 2004, p 16). Its pace increased rapidly in the 18th and 19th centuries on account of numerous technological developments, the Industrial Revolution in England and other western countries, and the growth of colonialism across the world (Went, 2002, p 41). Whilst the period between the First and the Second World Wars saw marked contraction in economic and other interactions between nations, the years after the closure of the Second World War have experienced phenomenal increase in the globalisation process (Went, 2002, p 41). Globalisation has profound effects on the economies, societies, and cultures of nations. Whilst the social and cultural aspects of globalisation are undoubtedly extremely important, the financial well being of people is primarily affected by the economic consequences of the globalisation process (Beresford, 2000, p 54). It has often being seen that whilst globalisation improves the economic health and financial wealth of certain nations and specific segments of the global population, it also reduces the economic capacity of other countries and peoples (Beresford, 2000, p 54). The globalisation process of the 18th and 19th centuries, for example witnessed an enormous increase in the wealth of western colonising nations like the UK, France, Spain and Portugal, even as it impoverished hugely affluent nations like China and India, pushing them from being vastly wealthy civilisations to terribly poor societies (Horton Patapan, 2004, p 23). Although the ongoing process of globalisation ha s undoubtedly enhanced the economic well being of many nations, organisations, and peoples, critics of the process assert that it has also resulted in the growth of income inequalities and has harmed the economic conditions of millions of people, more so in the developing and poorer countries (Horton Patapan, 2004, p 23). This essay focuses on the positive and negative impact of globalisation on different nations, organisations and peoples. With globalisation being a huge subject, this essay focuses on the ongoing process of contemporary globalisation and on those who have won or lost out on account of its effect and implications. Commentary and Analysis The ongoing process of globalisation commenced after the defeat of Germany and Japan and the victory of the UK, the USA, Soviet Russia, and their allies in the Second World War (Mikic, 2000, p 287). The cessation of hostilities led to the demarcation of new political boundaries and to the division of the world into three specific political segments, namely the western nations led by the United States, the Soviet bloc and the non aligned nations (Mikic, 2000, p 287). Whilst the globe was broadly divided into these three groups of nations in the 1950s, the years succeeding the war saw the independence of India and rapid decolonisation in Africa and Asia (Mikic, 2000, p 287). The 1980s witnessed the collapse of the Soviet Union, the disintegration of the communist bloc and the reunification of Germany. The following years also witnessed a wave of liberalisation and the implementation of economic reforms across developing countries, and the consequent economic emergence, first of China, and then of India and other countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia (Nesadurai, 2003, p 63). The world is also experiencing the development of astonishing advances in areas of technology and communication in the past few decades, which in turn are making it possible for people to interact across nations and even continents, despite political barriers and geographical distances (Nesadurai, 2003, p 63). These developments in geopolitics, economics, and communication have had and are having an enormous, reinforcing, and multiplying effect on globalisation and are resulting in greater economic and financial interactions between different nations (Kiely, 2005, p 76). Multinational corporations are exploiting low cost regions to install production facilities. Business organisations are using relaxed trade barriers to export their goods to previously closed markets (Kiely, 2005, p 76). The formation of the European Union has resulted in free movement of people within Europe in search of employment. The growth of the Internet is making it possible for people to work from distant loc ations and service others in remote areas of the globe (Kiely, 2005, p 76). Such globalisation has resulted in tremendous growth in global business and trade. This increase in economic activity has primarily been driven by multinational corporations, (MNCs), who have used globalisation opportunities to (a) install production capacities in low cost regions with skilled workers and (b) to exploit the huge markets that have emerged, primarily in the Middle East and Asia, as also in Latin America, Russia and East Europe (Clark, 1999, p 78). Such growth in economic activity has obviously benefited the multinational corporations. These organisations now account for more than one third of world output and more than two thirds of global trade (Clark, 1999, p 78). Apart from boosting the economic fortunes of these organisations, the growth in economic activity has also most certainly helped in increasing the real wages and economic conditions of many people (Eschle Maiguashca, 2005, p 92). It cannot however be denied that (a) this period has witnessed growing inequa lity between nations and peoples, and that (b) the benefits of globalisation have eluded millions of global inhabitants. Growth in production, consumption, and travel has also resulted in environmental degradation and in the destruction of the natural habitats of thousands of humans (Eschle Maiguashca, 2005, p 92). The economic impact of globalisation is visible first and foremost in the enormous increase in volumes of trade, industry and business (Munck, 2004, p 55). The increase in economic activity during the period after the Second World War is far more than what occurred in the years between the two World Wars. Numerous studies also show that countries with higher levels of globalisation achieved greater levels of growth in this period than others (Munck, 2004, p 55). Global economic activity has furthermore grown much faster than the increase in global population, thus implying a significant increase in the real per capita income of the worlds inhabitants. Such economic growth has certainly helped the financial well being and wealth of nations, organisations, and individuals (Munck, 2004, p 55). The greatest beneficiaries of globalisation have undoubtedly been the larger international corporations, mostly from the west but also very substantially from other countries in Asia and certain parts of Latin America and Africa (Saskia Appiah, 1999, p 44). International corporations have been quick to spot the substantial opportunities for reducing production costs in shifting production activities to low cost locations in the developing economies. China has experienced dramatic increases in its production facilities, even as smaller countries like Indonesia and Bangladesh have also become production centres for global corporations (Saskia Appiah, 1999, p 44). Whilst China has truly become the production centre of the world, Indonesia and Bangladesh are now home to numerous textile factories whose products are sold in the best stores in the advanced economies (Saskia Appiah, 1999, p 44). The development of huge facilities in China for manufactured products has been accompanied by a similar growth in Indias services sector. Call centres in Indian cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore employ thousands of employees who work for western corporations engaged in marketing, banking, finance, and insurance sectors. The shifting of production activities to low cost locations has helped international corporations significantly in achieving scale economies and reducing production costs. Ongoing globalisation is also helping global corporations by providing them with access to huge new markets in growing economies like those of China, India, Brazil, Russia and East Europe. MNCs are rapidly expanding their presence in these markets in order to increase sales and profits and enhance organisational growth. UK retailers like Tesco and Marks and Spencer now have strong presences in numerous countries across the world (Micro Focus, 2007, p 1). Jaguar Land Rovers third largest market, right after the UK and United States, is China (HT Media, 2010, p 1). McDonalds has more than 1200 outlets in China and is planning to add 600 more in the course of the coming decade (Yan Jones, 2010, p 1). Apart from enhancing the fortunes of MNCs, globalisation has also helped in the dissemination of knowledge and technology across the world. Western universities are accepting increasing numbers of students from the developing economies, even as universities like Harvard are opening centres for higher learning in distant countries (Perrons, 2004, p 73). The Internet is making academic interaction between people far easier. Indian coaching organisations are helping thousands of American students to improve their academic performance in mathematics and sciences (Perrons, 2004, p 73). Expansion in economic activity has specifically helped a number of states to improve their national production steadily from year to year (Horton Patapan, 2004, p 47). China is of course the foremost example of this facet of globalisation. The country shed its insular policy in the late 1970s under the leadership of Chairman Deng and adopted various policies for liberalisation and furtherance of export oriented growth (Horton Patapan, 2004, p 47). The Chinese economy has expanded at a rate of approximately 10% for more than 25 years, making it the second largest in the world today. Apart from China, globalisation has also resulted in positive economic benefits for Brazil, India, and South Africa and for the countries of South East Asia, all of whom have continuously achieved plus 5% economic growth for years (Eschle Maiguashca, 2005, p 109). Countries like Taiwan and South Korea have emulated Japan by developing world class products and penetrating sophisticated markets in the dev eloped countries. Huge increases in exports have radically altered the economies of these countries, and both Taiwan and South Korea now have per capita GDPs that are approaching those of the western nations (Eschle Maiguashca, 2005, p 109). The GDP growth rate of Bangladesh has accelerated in recent years on account of the growth of the textile industry and repatriation of monies from emigrant Bangladeshis (Osmani, 2004, p 5). The readymade garments (RMG) industry has registered phenomenal growth in recent years. Starting from a low base in the mid-1980s, it has by now become both the leading industry and the leading export item of Bangladesh. By the mid-1990s, it was contributing somewhere between 20 and 25 per cent of total value-added and employing between 40 and 50 per cent of the workforce engaged in large and medium scale manufacturing. Its share in total export has risen from barely 4 per cent in 1983/84 to over 75 per cent by the year 2000. (Osmani, 2004, p 7) Supporters of globalisation and neoliberal economics argue that the advantages of economic growth, achieved from globalisation, are bound to trickle down into the economy and improve the economic conditions of lower segments of society (Kiely, 2005, p 76). Whilst it may be too early for such trickle down effects to be clearly visible, there is no doubt of the very substantial improvements that have occurred in the employment levels of developing countries that have received foreign investment in production facilities (Kiely, 2005, p 76). China, easily the largest recipient of production FDI among the developing nations, has seen huge migration of labour from the countryside to the towns, with agricultural workers leaving their fields in hundreds of thousands to take up jobs in new factories. It is estimated that approximately 150 million Chinese have been able to escape poverty in the last two decades on account of the countrys integration with the global economy (Kiely, 2005, p 76). Countries like Bangladesh and Indonesia, as well as the countries of east Europe, have also witnessed significant increases in employment figures. The Indian call centre industry provides employment to hundreds of thousands of graduates, who would have had very little chances of remunerative employment in the pre-globalisation era. Such increase in employment has certainly changed the lives of millions of people around the world. It has helped them to grow out of lives of poverty and to provide better life chances to their families (Nesa durai, 2003, p 68). Critics of globalisation point out that the benefits of globalisation are not as rosy as they appear to be. The net increase in global economic production and wealth indicates it to be a net benefit process, even as critics argue that its continuing progress is generating numerous losers; who are being adversely impacted, economically, socially, and culturally, by its spread (Horton Patapan, 2004, p 47). The globalisation process has in the first place enabled multinational corporations to seek out low cost production centres and to transfer much of their production and service facilities to such locations. Such movement of production facilities from the developed countries to low cost environments has resulted in significant reduction of jobs in the advanced nations, primarily in the strongly market driven economies like the UK and the USA, and also to some extent in the more worker friendly societies of West Europe (Eschle Maiguashca, 2005, p 109). Such losses of jobs have result ed in the creation of significant social and political tensions and to subsequent protectionist actions, like those being considered and taken by President Obama to stem the movement of IT services jobs to India (Kiely, 2005, p 76). The opening of trade barriers and liberal import norms has also had significantly adverse impact on local producers, many of whom have not being able to respond effectively to savage competition from low priced Chinese goods. The indigenous fire cracker industry in Europe has practically been demolished by large scale imports of Chinese fire crackers at a fraction of their local cost. Imports of Chinese silk by Indian importers have resulted in severe economic consequences to Indian silk growers and weavers (Went, 2002, p 44). The production of Rare Earth Metals (REMs) has been discontinued in the United States because of Chinese exports of these metals at prices that were fractional of their manufacturing costs in the United States. With REMS being vital for production of important defence products, the US now finds itself vulnerable to Chinese plans to reduce supplies, on account of various reasons, of these metals (Areddy, 2010, p 11). It is also seen that whilst movement of production facilities are leading to the creation of jobs in low income countries, the majority of such jobs are poorly paid and involve exploitative working conditions. Studies on banana growers in Brazil, coffee growers across Latin America, and textile industry workers in Bangladesh reveal that the overwhelming majority of these workers are paid low wages, sometimes less than the minimum wages of these countries, and are forced to work in difficult working conditions (Osmani, 2004, p 6). The readiness of investing companies to take their investment and the associated jobs elsewhere, if their work is obstructed in anyway, leads to the inevitable acceptance of their demands by the governments of developing countries, who do not wish to lose out on their investment and presence. Studies on Indian call centres in Mumbai, Bangalore, and Madras reveal that the employees of these call centres are made to work extremely long hours, given short break s, and not allowed to leave their seats even to go to the toilets. They are castigated and ill treated in public for minor irregularities in work (Perrons, 2004, p 82). Critics of globalisation argue that whilst unemployment in these countries may have reduced to some extent, the quality of employment that has been provided is poor and essentially degrading to the concerned individuals. Globalisation has also resulted in immense environmental degradation. The environment can in fact be considered to be one of the biggest losers of the globalisation process. Multinational corporations, especially those dealing in natural resources, have engaged in numerous anti-environmental activities in order to satisfy increasing global demand for such products. The mining of REMs in China for example has resulted in severe environmental degradation across large tracts of the Chinese countryside (Areddy, 2010, p 11). Mining companies in India have driven tribals out of their natural habitat and destroyed thousands of acres of forests. Oil companies have engaged in unsafe drilling practices and, as evidenced by BPs oil well episode in the Gulf of Mexico, have caused enormous loss to ocean life and to the coastline (Raines, 2010, p 1). It is very clear that globalisation, whilst causal in improvement of global economic activity, has certainly not been even handed in its largesse. The enrichment of some has been accompanied by the deprivation of others. Conclusions This essay focuses on the winners and losers of globalisation. Globalisation, it is evident, is bringing about immense economic, social and cultural change across the globe. With MNCs from the western world driving the process to a large extent, much of the benefits of the globalisation have gone to western corporations and consumers, even as certain areas of the developing world have gained on account of economic investment in production and service facilities. The benefits of globalisation have unfortunately been accompanied by large scale environmental degradation, uneven development, and low wage employment for the poor. With awareness increasing steadily about the adverse consequences of unregulated globalisation, most governments are taking policy actions to regulate its adverse effects. It is important for nations to ensure that their integration with the global economy does not lead to the marginalisation of the poor and the destruction of their natural environment. Word Count: 3000, apart from bibliography
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The World of Retail :: Consumerism Shopping Stores Essays
The World of Retail As a consumer, I have often wondered how stores keep everything neat, while other consumers always seem to dirty everything in the store. There are many attributes to a store that customers do not understand. It wasn't until I started working in the retailing community that I realized how much work is involved and the process by which everything is done. Charlotte Russe is a women's clothing store, located next to Victoria's Secret and across from American Outpost between district one and nine at the Great Lakes Crossing Mall, in Auburn Hills, Michigan. As you walk into the store you feel like it's a store for just for just teenagers, but when you look around there are casual clothes as well as suiting for older women. We carry sizes 0-13 in pants and S-L in shirts, so there is a very large selection of clothing in the store. Whether you're out for a night on the town, or just a quiet night at home in your pajamas, we carry everything from boots right down to your underwear. The store is fairly large- bigger than most of the other stores in the mall. When you first walk in you see boots on display on a table. You walk in front of the store and you see mannequins under bright lights wearing the latest fashions. The store is very well lit and not very many shadows are cast- there are lights all over the ceiling. Behind the boots are the racks of clothing that are constantly being straightened. To the left and right of the middle of the store are aisle-ways that lead back to the "cash wrap" and the back of the store where the fitting rooms are. The sides of the store are walls filled with clothing. Along the walls there are mirrors placed between certain types of clothing (for example, there is a mirror between the club clothing and holiday ware). Located in the very center of the store is where the "cash wrap" is located. The cash wrap consists of five registers that are inlayed in the countertops so people can look down and see what is being wrung up. Rig ht next to the register is a Sensormatic machine that takes the theft tags off of the clothing. Under the register is a drawer that is filled with bags. Behind the register is a closet where we put the clothing that people want to put on hold.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Western Scientific Perspectives :: essays research papers
Anthropology 122-1                                                                                 Western Scientific Perspectives      Walking on a clear night a person can’t help but look up and see the stars. Each beautiful, illuminating the night sky along with the moon, far away yet close enough to admire and wonder. I sit sometimes outside and just look up and gaze in wonder at the stars, but the scientists in me thinks further. The stars are like our sun in the solar system, hydrogen balls, exploding, radiating energy and light in all directions yet we are so far that we see them as specks in the night sky. Then there are those night where Venus and Mercury can be seen among the stars, almost a spiritual experience. Science has taught us that gravity and other laws of nature control the movement of such celestial objects and control everyday happenings where most would not give it a second thought.      In life we all seek the truth, the truths about the universe; our surroundings. Some people seek the truth through what science tells us. The Big Bang Theory tells us that there was a massive explosion where concentrated matter is scattered all over what is the universe and over time the planets and other systems formed to their current states. Then some seek the truth through religion and God and so we have the story of Genesis from the Bible. Fritjof Capra, author of The Tao of Physics, was a high-energy physicist who conducted years of research in his career and understood his surroundings as a physicist but through his learning the religious philosophies of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism saw his surroundings are more than that. Capra saw a rhythm that surrounded everything.      â€Å"I ‘saw’ cascades of energy coming down from outer space, in which particles were created and destroyed in rhythmic pulses; I ‘saw’ the atoms of the elements and those of my body participating in this cosmic dance of energy; I felt its rhythm and I ‘heard’ its sound, and at that moment I knew that this was the Dance of Shiva, the Lord of Dancers worshipped by the Hindus.†(Capra, 11) Ultimately Capra discovered for himself and argues is the view of the world explained through physics and the view given by philosophies such as Hindusim, Buddhism and Taoism are parallel to each other.      According to Capra, knowledge can be divided into to parts, rational and intuitive. Everyday we learn, we gain knowledge of our surroundings and from our everyday happenings.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Discussing Act.1 Scene 7 of Macbeth
The scene takes place in the Madison Square Garden's basketball courts after scheduled training. Chris Anderson, reserve point guard, a position recently appointed to him after Jason Hart sustained a serious injury, considers jeopardising Chauncey Billups position as point guard and captain of the Denver Nuggets. Chris talks to head cheerleader and girlfriend Ashley Reynolds and discusses ways to jeopardise Chauncey's position on the team. (Chris dribbles ball across court to Ashley) Chris: If only I could get rid of Chauncey without any suspicions or consequences (Thinks) I could purposely hurt Chauncey in a practise session, but the risk of suspicion would be way too risky. It would be much easier and beneficial to have someone do it for me. (Looks to Ashley in a strange way) Ashley: No, no way would I put my cheerleading career in jeopardy, and besides, who am I to do such a thing! I'm not a violent person! Chris: There's got be some way I can get his position. My basketball coach in college had a prophecy that one day I would be drafted to the NBA. He also stated that I would become a true leader of a NBA team. I've been drafted now and all there is left to do takeover Chauncey's position and captaincy. (Ashley thinks of ways in which Chris could become captain) Ashley: I have a perfect idea. Chris: Out with it then. Ashley: Well, I am head of the cheerleading team and everyone knows, players loooove cheerleaders. Chris: What are you trying to get at? Yes we all love cheerleaders. Ashley: Well, I could jeopardize Chauncey's position on the team by making false accusations that he sexually assaulted me. Chris: (Thinks) No, I couldn't do that to him, Chauncey is a loyal friend and besides, I don't want to ruin his career. What happens if the plan falls through? There's a chance it will ruin my NBA career as well. All the NBA endorsement I have received will be lost. I don't think I'm ready to throw that all away for a starting position on the team. Ashley: You are wrong! Chauncey isn't a loyal friend, he is a team-mate and that's all. Nothing bad will happen to you and your career. You don't have to be involved, no one will ever know! Chris: Ashley, we are a couple now, if news spreads that we are together and then gets linked back to the sexual assault a lot of attention will be brought upon me. I don't know what to do, I'm only a newly recruited player to the Denver Nuggets, I should be appreciative of what has been given to me. Not everybody receives a deal like mine. Chauncey is very deserving of his position on the team and is a very good role model in which I should aspire to. He is so well respected in the NBA. There would be many assumptions as to why he would sexually assault women, let alone a cheerleader from the same team, besides Chauncey has a wife and is a very good friend of yours. Ashley: What are you talking about Chris? Ever since you were drafted to the NBA you've wanted Chauncey's position! You've wanted leadership and you should be granted recognition. What girl doesn't want her boyfriend to show leadership and dominance? I would love you even more if we were to pull this off. Chris: No, the Consequences of these circumstances are far too severe. Chauncey has done nothing to me in order for me to jeopardise his position on the team let alone his career in the NBA. If the predications from my college basketball are true, maybe I might get that leadership role as captain of a team, but who's saying that its going to be captain of the Denver Nuggets, who says that its Chauncey Billups position and role of the team in which I'm going to overthrow. In time, the prophecy will come true. It's better to hide my ambitions then expose them and run the risk of ruining my NBA career, a friends NBA career or my friendship with Chauncey.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Fundamental Breach According to the Cisg
Article 25 A breach of contract committed by one of the parties is fundamental if it results in such detriment to the other party as substantially to deprive him of what he is entitled to expect under the contract, unless the party in breach did not foresee and a reasonable person of the same kind in the same circumstances would not have foreseen such a result. (CISG 1980) Used when: One of the parties suffers damages due to a breach of contract. The breach becomes fundamental when it is due to the other parties fault.This article could be interpreted as to whether or not the breaching party was ‘guilty’ of any form of neglect which caused the damages. If they could have prevented the damages, by handling reasonably, they are guilty of a fundamental breach of contract. Case: Tribunal: Court of Arbitration of the ICC Case#: 7531 of 1994 Seller’s Country: China (defendant) Buyer’s Country: Austria (claimant) Goods involved: Scaffold fittings Summary of the ca se: The plaintiff bought 80. 00 scaffold fittings from the Chinese seller. Upon delivery it turned out a substantial amount of the fittings were of bad quality. The buyer was only able to sell the goods partially and at a reduced price. Sorting out the good ones from the bad ones would have added an estimated third of the purchase-price. The Tribunal ruled in favour of the plaintiff as ‘an important part’ of the fittings did not conform to the sample which therefore resulted in a fundamental breach of contract.What was the effect of Article 25: It was proven that the plaintiff had suffered substantial damages due to the breach of contract. This enabled him to use art 25 and sue for damages. ? Article 35 (1) The seller must deliver goods which are of the quantity, quality and description required by the contract and which are contained or packaged in the manner required by the contract. 2) Except where the parties have agreed otherwise, the goods do not conform with the contract unless they: (a) are fit for the purposes for which goods of the same description would ordinarily be used; (b) are fit for any particular purpose expressly or impliedly made known to the seller at the time of the conclusion of the contract, except where the circumstances show that the buyer did not rely, or that it was unreasonable for him to rely, on the seller's skill and judgement; (c) possess the qualities of goods which the seller has held out to the buyer as a sample or model; (d) are contained or packaged in the manner usual for such goods or, where there is no such manner, in a manner adequate to preserve and protect the goods. 3) The seller is not liable under subparagraphs (a) to (d) of the preceding paragraph for any lack of conformity of the goods if at the time of the conclusion of the contract the buyer knew or could not have been unaware of such lack of conformity. (CISG 1980) Used when: This article is used when the goods delivered are not fit for the purpo se intended for them or when they are not of the same quality as the sample provided by the seller. They also need to be packed in a manner adequate to preserve and protect the goods. If they are not fit for purpose due to adequate packing, this the sellers fault. Note though that fitness for purpose is a broad term. For instance if meat has been purchased by a butcher in France he might deem the goods unfit as he meant to use them for Kosher meat. This does not count as the seller could not have foreseen this, unless it was mentioned.When selling it to a butcher in Israel however, the seller could have/ should have known these requirements. In fitness for purpose we look at the average quality required for products, unless expressly mentioned otherwise. Case: Tribunal: Bundesgerichthof (Federal Supreme Court) Case#: VIII ZR 159/94 Seller’s Country: Switzerland (Plaintiff) Buyer’s Country: Germany (Defendant) Goods involved: New Zealand Mussels Summary of the case: In this case the buyer bought mussels from a Swiss seller; the buyer later found they contained a cadmium level higher than the German health authorities allowed. Therefore he was not allowed to sell and he refused to pay due to a lack of conformity.The courts decided that though the cadmium levels in the mussels was higher than allowed in Germany, they were still eatable and did meet the standard required by the Swiss health authorities. It was therefore decided that the goods were of the required quality and the buyer should have mentioned the maximum cadmium levels allowed. What was the effect of Article 35: In this case it meant that the products did meet the required standard for quality of goods and the buyer had to pay for the products. ? Article 36 (1) The seller is liable in accordance with the contract and this Convention for any lack of conformity which exists at the time when the risk passes to the buyer, even though the lack of conformity becomes apparent only after that t ime. 2) The seller is also liable for any lack of conformity which occurs after the time indicated in the preceding paragraph and which is due to a breach of any of his obligations, including a breach of any guarantee that for a period of time the goods will remain fit for their ordinary purpose or for some particular purpose or will retain specified qualities or characteristics. (CISG 1980) Used when: The goods sold initially seem to be in good order, however after some time a lack of quality shows. This is only viable when the reason for this is due the sellers fault (e. g. When cars are sold and the paint starts to faint a month after the buyer obtained them, this could be the sellers fault due to using the wrong paint). Case:Tribunal: Bundesgerichtshof [Federal Supreme Court] Case#: VIII ZR 67/04 Seller’s Country: Belgium (Plaintiff) Buyer’s Country: Germany (Defendant) Goods involved: Frozen Pork Summary of the case: The buyer bought the goods to sell them on into Bosnia- Herzegovina. There were to be three deliveries of pork. In between deliveries a new ordinance was enacted in Germany (due to concerns regarding contamination of the meat) which stated that Belgian pork was no longer marketable unless a health certificated was provided. The defendants refuse to pay after they had been prohibited to resale the meats, which were then taken by customs and ultimately disposed of.The plaintiff argued that the risk had passed to the buyer when the goods were transported and therefor was liable for the events that took place. The court held however, that if the concerns were regarding to the harmfulness of the foodstuff to human health, the goods cannot be sold and therefor lack the required fitness for purpose. What was the effect of Article 36: Art 36 could be used in this case because the meat would already have been contaminated upon leaving the seller. Despite the fact that it was not detected until much later, when the risk had already passed to the buyer, the seller was still responsible as it was an initial breach of contract. ? Reference List: CISG 1980, United Nations, Accessed 26th of march 2013, ; http://www. cisg. law. pace. edu;
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Apple Value Chain Analysis
Value Chain Analysis Before making a strategic decision, it is important for Apple to understand how its activities or products create values for customers. One way to do this is to conduct a value chain analysis (VCA). VCA â€Å"refers to the idea that a company is a chain of activities for transforming inputs into outputs that customers value. The process of transforming inputs into outputs compromises a number of primary and support activities†(Hill and Jones, 2001, p. 133). Each value is considered to be a source of competitive advantage. In the analysis, the company is being examined exclusively.SUPPORT ACTIVITIES Infrastructure Apple has an unprecedented cash position; in fact, the most cash held by any technological company (Schubarth C. , 2011). It has 97. 6 billion US dollar in cash (Schonfeld E. , 2012) and this allows the company to internally finance any development and expansion without cost of capital. Furthermore, Apple is working on reducing its greenhouse gas emissions that is used in production and transportation by redesigning its packaging relying on renewable energy (O’Reilly J. , 2009). Apple has a multi-functional structure that is flat to allow more flexibility (Apple Inc. 2012). As well as casual dress codes to allow effectiveness and to promote quick decision making and innovation. Human Resource Management Apple is following a lean management style and the philosophy of â€Å"having less is more†. Also Case Study will describe why Apple Inc. is a very successful company.That is Apply intentionally understaffing in order to be more productive and innovative (Sullivan, J. , 2011). Apple, also, has a selective hiring process to attract talented employees. Moreover, Apple offer a generous employee benefit program; as a result, pulling and retaining the industry leading those talented employees to promote the company (Masi B. 2009, p. 13). Technological Development Apple spend enormous amount of money on its Research and Development in order to push innovation further; thus stay ahead of competition. According to figures published in Apple’s 2012 annual report, R&D expenditure hits 3. 4 billion US dollars which is nearly 40% increase than 2011 (Brodjanac D. , 2012). Apple as well protects its invention and innovation worldwide by filling patent. Procurement Since Apple is a member of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), it works to guarantee fair treatment f or its workers.In addition, Apple developed an ecosystem of suppliers to benefits from its strong relationships by keeping them close (Masi B. , 2009, p. 13). By doing that, it enables Apple to obtain its products and services within limited timeframe (Apple Inc. , 2012). Apple, occasionally, evaluates its relationships and enhances its suppliers’ ecosystem if needed. Moreover, Apple introduced a Supplier Diversity Program which is mainly for supporting any potential suppliers. This facilitates the visibility of these suppliers and develops the future relationships (Apple Inc. , 2012)PRIMARY ACTIVITIES Inbound Logistics Apple has a partnership with OEM in order to reduce development time, production, material and manufacturing costs. However, Apple supervises the entire process to control its quality (Francisco T. , 2011). Operations Apple outsourced to various Chinese manufacturers in order to employ its economy of scale; as a result eliminate the burden of production manage ment. Apple, also, cooperate with other companies including HP and Samsung (Sherman E. , 2012). Furthermore, Apple designs its products in-house to eliminate production cost (Masi B. 2009, p. 14). Outbound Logistics Apple’s products are being delivered directly to its retail stores around the world to minimize inventory cost. To trim down shipping costs, Apple’s designing team developed packagings that are slim and light yet productive (Apple, 2012). Marketing and Sales Television commercial, online ads and print advertisements campaigns have been successful in promoting the Apple’s products and services. Apple has a branding strategy that is emotions’ focused, humorous and simplicity.The ads theme is about lifestyle; innovation, imagination and aspiration (Masi B. , 2009, p. 14). In addition, Apple has a secretive strategy concerning new products or services in order to create suspension and publicity. It, also, sells its products to schools and universi ties; thus creating an exposure for the product or the service (Inside CRM, 2009). Services Having a great customer experience is fundamental priority for any businesses. Apple is a great example of customer focused; it believes that customer loyalty is a great strength to the company.Apple Genius Bar is one of its main services where customers get the best face to face support (Apple, 2012). Moreover, customers are always welcome for free consultation concerning any issues. Apple, in addition, offer one year warranty and customers then have the choice to purchase an extension warranty (Masi B. , 2009, p. 13). ALL http://www. scribd. com/doc/24134877/Strategic-Analysis-of-Apple-Inc-Brian-Masi Procurement http://www. apple. com/procurement/ Technological http://www. decryptedtech. om/news/apple-increasing-their-investments-in-research-and-development. html HR http://www. ere. net/2011/09/12/talent-management-lessons-from-apple-a-case-study-of-the-worlds-most-valuable-firm-part-1-of-3 / Infra. http://www. bizjournals. com/sanjose/news/2011/07/21/apples-cash-pile-up-16-to-762b. html http://techcrunch. com/2012/01/24/apple-97-6-billion-cash/ http://www. inboundlogistics. com/cms/article/how-green-is-apple/ Marketing & sales http://www. insidecrm. com/articles/crm-blog/11-effective-strategies-apple-uses-to-create-loyal-customers-53510/ Operation
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Inaugural Address of Barack Obama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Inaugural Address of Barack Obama - Essay Example The most successful use of addressing the emotional needs of the American audience was the clever interplay of words. The way he also appealed to the audience’s emotion and logic was a combination of arguments, evidence, and language. The use of such emotion-generating phrases like â€Å"gathering clouds and raging storms†, â€Å"noble ideas†, â€Å"the greatness of our nation†, and â€Å"bitter swill of civil war and segregation†(Obama, We Seek A New Way Forward) in his speech are consistent, effectively, and cleverly infused throughout the various subjects that he was discussing that his attempt to persuade his audience by tapping into their emotions was prevalent throughout the speech that it blended so well it sounded natural. Moreover, the prudent usages of such phrases are not abused in the sense that Obama relies solely on them. Rather he used it as a way to simplify the concepts he was trying to address in a manner that the average American could understand. Obama’s emotional appeal was an appeal for solidarity, acceptance, loyalty, and most of all patriotism in spite of the diversity of the American people by reiterating the commonalities and shared experiences. Shared social struggles throughout history of Americans as a people of migrants and how these struggles are continuing today for current migrants who â€Å"toiled in sweatshops and settled the West; endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth†(Obama, We Seek A New Way Forward) and shared economic burden that Americans are experiencing across all walks of life in almost all business sectors. These commonalities are highlighted in an attempt to forge cooperation through shared experiences, shared history, shared sentiments, shared values, and a common vision. Â
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